
Save Their Lives

Kenscoff, OU, Haiti

About Us

We are a Development and relief Organization helping the needy people in Haiti. Our projects include relief for earthquake, flood and hurricanes victims, care and education and sponsorship programs for orphans and other vulnerable children, housing for the homeless, medicines and health care for the indigent, food for families suffering extreme malnutrition, seeds and training to the farmers and clean water for communities that have none, as well as micro-enterprise programs and other long-term development efforts to break the cycle of poverty.

Our Spirituality Statement

Save Their Lives welcomes anyone willing to serve the poor, and we serve those living in poverty without regard to religion. Although Save Their Lives was founded on Christian ideals, we believe that people of different faith traditions can join together in service and can live their spirituality without proselytizing.

Our vision and philosophy are based on spiritual principles. We honor all beliefs that lead people to health. We embrace spiritual values such as hope, forgiveness, compassion, respect, love, service, and the pursuit of peace.

Save Their Lives recognizes that people, whatever their belief, are equal and deserve respect. We value the strength that diversity offers, and acknowledge that we are all connected.

If we respect those we serve, we must allow them the freedom to develop their own spirituality. We recognize that their poverty is physical, and they are often desperate for the services we provide. We recognize that our physical wealth gives us power, and it would be abusive to use this power to dictate belief.

If we respect those we serve, we acknowledge that they have gifts to share with us. Perhaps we can learn from the deep faith they have developed in facing death and hardship on a daily basis. Perhaps we can grow together in our spirituality.

We are a Development and relief Organization helping the needy people in Haiti. Our projects include relief for earthquake, flood and hurricanes victims, care and education and sponsorship programs for orphans and other vulnerable…

Issue Areas Include


  • 60 Rte de Fermathe, Kenscoff, OU HT6120, Haiti

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