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David C and Liliane Webb Foundation

Pili, 05, Filipinas |

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The Primary Approach of the Webb Vocational Institute includes

Each bulleted point is followed by a small explanation and any one of numbers of groups, organizations, Governmental Agencies, NGOs or others with whom the WVI has already made contact in order to receive the of assistance that may be needed for the benefit of all involved

  • HumanRights - Through the opportunity for Scholastic and Vocational Educational Opportunities in clean, safe environments and with the provision of National and (Limited) International Certification and Accreditation for graduates

The battle against poverty begins with education. Such an education must be based above and beyond any other considerations on the necessary skills to compete in an increasingly competitive and global environment. Contrary to what is a very popular belief, there are no equal results on a regular basis. Not only must each and every child receive an education, but each child must receive an education that is going to serve them and not be a generic educational presentation. Those children that exceed in scholastic studies should no more be pushed into vocational training than those student who exceed in vocational studies should be pushed into scholastic pursuits. Many children who do not do exceptionally well with scholastic studies are far-too often ridiculed and pushed aside without any consideration at all for their other skills that are just as beneficial to society, allow them to be just as productive and need just as much nurturing and training as does the scholastic aptitude.

Metro PESO (Public Employees Service Office) TESDA (Technical Education and Skills Development Authority) DSWD (Department of Social Welfare and Development)

  • HumanRights - Through the provision of safe, clean housing in a familiar and healthy environment. Most likely this will be established in something of a communal setting in order to facilitate the proper upkeep, management and maintain a modicum of control over the living conditions and the methods in which WVI assets are utilized

Housing is perhaps one of the most fundamental of all human rights but is sadly lacking in many locations around the world. Whether this is because the homes are not available or because they are not affordable for many people is actually mostly irrelevant to anyone who is forced into homelessness. Still, it may seem a bit of a stretch to believe that education entails providing housing for families ... but is it really? For those families that are homeless, a home is going to be the foundation for their life. Their life is going to be reflected in the life of the child and how is the child to grow and prosper without any kind of home life to speak of? Apart from that, even many families that do have homes, do not have much of a home and life is still very rough.

For all of those families that do have homes without running water or electrical power, life is already difficult. Add in the additional burdens of being unemployable in all but the most menial of tasks and the situation rapidly deteriorates to the point where many people begin to lose hope. For those families that are struggling simply to make a rental payment, life can be equally difficult. Still, how can it be said that all of this justifies the establishment of housing for those individuals in need of a basic education?

What of the homeless family who wishes to raise livestock? Are they to try to sneak a pig or goat or fowl under the bridge with them? Are they to try to feed livestock in addition to struggling to feed themselves? What of the families that do have homes in town so that they can find menial jobs to help them exist ... far too poorly to be considered truly “living” but merely as a means of survival? How will they be able to make the transition from barely getting by to being able to make a good living if they do not have a home? It is not possible to raise livestock or crops in town no matter how good your intentions may be and no matter how much it may actually help people.

The fact is that if you are going to give people the opportunity to start their very own business, it is important that they have a home. There is certainly a psychological aspect to that and this should not be underestimated but as important as it may be, it is not the primary concern. For someone to raise livestock or crops requires a large amount of work and effort. It is not an eight hour a day job and anyone who has ever birthed livestock knows that from time to time, you may even have to spend a night or two in the pens. Still, you cannot request someone literally live in an actual pig sty simply because they wish to take advantage of the opportunity to raise pigs. If they have a home strategically located by their crops or livestock, they can take care of them at a more leisurely pace without feeling forced to get everything done at once. This is going to be much more important as it will directly affect the number of people who have the ability to continue working and providing for their families as opposed to those that may feel more pressured to “succeed” simply to appease those that are helping them to do something that they may quite honestly expect, they should be able to do by themselves.

The WVI seeks to provide housing to people not only as a means of keeping them off the streets but in order to help them become self-sufficient and more capable of taking care of themselves in the long run. Having their own home will provide people with at least a modicum of self respect, a feeling of at least some accomplishment and the base foundation for being able to step into the game of life with a good chance not only of succeeding, but of succeeding for the long term.

Metro PESO (Public Employees Service Office) TESDA (Technical Education and Skills Development Authority) DSWD (Department of Social Welfare and Development)

  • HumanRights- Through the creation of both Jobs and Business Opportunities which will be provided to individuals after completing the necessary training with WVI trainers at WVI Facilities

It is very difficult for the vast majority of people to truly understand, much less to actually be able to relate to a life that is completely devoid of hope. Unfortunately, such is the case already for far too many people in the world today. In the Philippines alone, there are literally hundreds of thousands if not millions of people who walk the street selling simple treats that they can make in their homes or doing laundry at ridiculously low prices (even by local standards) simply because they do not have even the most rudimentary skills for a low-level job. The WVI seeks to create not only the opportunity but the possibility for these people that are so willing to work so hard for so little, to actually earn a decent living.

By offering the training needed to successfully run a business, offering mentoring and counseling and ultimately, providing the necessary resources to start even a small business, the WVI can empower people and prepare them to start their very own businesses. The Government officials in NagaCity have worked exceedingly hard to make this more than just a possibility. With their help, the WVI now has in place all of the means necessary to provide people with training, education, practical experience and ultimately, jobs and even the opportunity to own a business for people who have far too long been living with no real hope for life, much less for success.

Metro PESO (Public Employees Service Office) TESDA (Technical Education and Skills Development Authority) DSWD (Department of Social Welfare and Development)

  • Sustainable Organic Agricultural Techniques - Through the use and implementation of more natural feeds for livestock and produce as well as improved methods of waste reduction, waste removal and wherever possible, waste utilization for the continuation of a contiguous cycle that is both sustainable and environmentally friendly

DSWD (Department of Social Welfare and Development) BASU(Bicol Agricultural State University formerly CSSAC or Camarines Sur State Agricultural College) TESDA (Technical Education and Skills Development Authority) One local Feed Supply Manufacturer who wishes to remain anonymous at this time - Initial Contact has also been made with the University of the Philippines regarding this and other related programs

  • Sustainable Organic Agricultural Techniques - Through the use of animal waste and by-products as a source for alternative fuels (to run generators and refrigeration) as well as for the creation of all-organic fertilizers to reduce the current use of hazardous toxins, nitrates and other chemicals which are eroding the local ecosystem

DSWD (Department of Social Welfare and Development) BASU(Bicol Agricultural State University formerly CSSAC or Camarines Sur State Agricultural College) TESDA (Technical Education and Skills Development Authority) ENRO (Environment and Natural Resources Office)- Initial Contact has also been made with the University of the Philippines regarding this and other related programs

  • Reparations of Existing Damage to the local Ecosystem and Environment - This process has already begun through Reforestation efforts in cooperation with the ENRO (Environmental and Natural Resource Office) as well as in part with the help and assistance of the PRA (Philippine Retirement Association) These efforts will be expanded to include the use of the tropical variety of the Paulownia Princesa trees which have some amazing properties all their own. The major drawback here is that these trees are often considered to be “weeds” in that if the growth and maintenance is not controlled, they do tend to upset the natural balance in the existing ecosystem.

The Paulownia Princesa also has some amazing properties in regards to other aspects of the program as well. It thrives on (generally) hazardous nitrates, removing them from the soil. Depleting the levels of nitrates will help to increase the natural and more sustainable production of crops as nitrate levels drop and organic compounds begin being used alongside of the reduction of chemically based fertilizers that have long term, hazardous side-effects. The Paulownia Princesa, much like the Banana “Tree” regrows when cut, allowing it to be maintained through a select program of harvesting for lumber. The lumber from the Paulownia tree is exceedingly soft and easy to work with when it is initially cut, drying into a very beautiful and hardy, hardwood that can be used for everything from the creation of musical instruments to building entire homes.

While it is doubtful that the WVI will be able to circumvent current laws prohibiting the exportation of lumber, the crafts made with the Paulownia Princesa lumber can be sold both locally and internationally, providing jobs and income for those people who wish to learn these types of trades. Additionally, the roots of the Paulownia Princesa extend deep into the ground making them ideal for the prevention of erosion which is very common in the areas where water is constantly running in order to provide for the growth of rice. Add in to all of that, the fact that the foliage of the Paulownia Princesa is highly proteinous and has been shown to increase the growth-rate and sustainability of livestock production and it may be easy to see why this is, despite being little more than a single plant, a major part of the efforts of the WVI.

BASU(Bicol Agricultural State University formerly CSSAC or Camarines Sur State Agricultural College) TESDA (Technical Education and Skills Development Authority)ENRO (Environmental and Natural Resources Office) One local Feed Supply Manufacturer who wishes to remain anonymous at this time - Initial Contact has also been made with the University of the Philippines regarding this and other related programs

  • Prevention of Future Damage to the local Ecosystem and Environment and Environmentally Friendly and Sustainable Agricultural and Environmental Methods - This process has already begun through Reforestation efforts in cooperation with the ENRO (Environmental and Natural Resource Office) as well as in part with the help and assistance of the PRA (Philippine Retirement Association)

BASU (Bicol Agricultural State University formerly CSSAC or Camarines Sur State Agricultural College) TESDA (Technical Education and Skills Development Authority)ENRO (Environmental and Natural Resources Office) Initial Contact has also been made with the University of the Philippines regarding this and other related programs

  • Alternative Fuels and Energy Resources - To include the use of natural animal waste for the production of methane as well as the feasibility of bottling and “manufacturing” methane on commercial production levels. Methane will be used to power the refrigeration units at the WVI facilities as well as to run generators and create electrical power for private and commercial use. Propane has been used for refrigeration since the early 20th century and is actually based on the same technology as the old, ammonia based refrigeration units. Trapping and utilizing the methane generated from livestock and even from landfills has been used commercially in many developed nations for some time already. All of the tools are in place but it has never been introduced or explored to any great degree as a sustainable method of production in the third world where livestock production is more common.

Additionally, the inclusion of both solar and wind generation systems will be used to provide 12 volt power supplies to the individuals utilizing the houses provided by WVI. Recent advances in LED lighting make this an extremely affordable alternative to more expensive, traditional fossil-fuel power supplies. 12 volt fans, lighting and many other amenities are readily available and currently being mass-produced for commercial production and sales. At present, it is foreseen that only lighting and rotary oscillators (fans) will be initially provided in the housing units of WVI. The addition of power inverters may be considered depending on budgetary limitations so as to facilitate the possibility for the use of appliances and other amenities.

BASU (Bicol Agricultural State University formerly CSSAC or Camarines Sur State Agricultural College) TESDA (Technical Education and Skills Development Authority)ENRO (Environmental and Natural Resources Office) Initial Contact has also been made with the University of the Philippines regarding this and other related programs

While this should not be considered anything resembling a comprehensive business model, it should give you a brief idea about what it is that we have in mind and why we are not kidding when we say it is possible to change the world ... at the very least, to change the world of those people who are willing to work to make this a better world. There is substantially more involved here than just what you see on these pages. Efforts have been undertaken and measures put into place to greatly increase the work force and the local economy without upsetting the current socio-economic position of the society where this is to be implemented. The individuals on the Board of Directors of the WVI have been carefully vetted and selected to prevent both the problems that exist within current charitable organizations and to prevent any foreseeable abuse in a program of this scope, size and nature. We have also heard many objections to some of the programs we have planned and some of those will be highlighted here if nothing else, simply to show that we have carefully considered all of the aspects and the possible ramifications regarding the implementation of these programs.

Forcing Someone to start Living on 12 volt power is cruel - Many of the people we are helping currently have no housing or live in places with no running water and no electrical power at all. Some of the people on our board of directors and even the Administrator of the WVI have lived in these conditions for extended periods of time. Would you rather leave people without a home, much less without the benefit of running water or even a 12 volt system where they can enjoy lighting (other than candles when they can afford them) to study by at night, to have a fan to relax in front of. Many of these people would object to the inclusion of air conditioners even if they were affordable and environmentally friendly. (The methane/natural gas air-conditioners is actually being considered though it is not known how viable it is at this time) If the tests with solar power, the limited capacity for wind power and other efforts prove successful, power inverters may be included in housing before too long to afford people even more luxury but please remember, this is not a developed nation where people have social welfare as a lifestyle choice or enjoy even the most basic amenities that even the poorest people enjoy in many other parts of the world. Think of it like this; the next time you come in from a hard days labor working in your garden, working in yard or whatever you are doing, instead of enjoying that ice cold beer, that super cold glass of iced tea or lemonade, imagine being every bit as grateful simply to enjoy a glass of water that cold from time to time and you may be able to start getting a look at how some of these people currently live.

You are trying to reduce these people to simple farmers - Actually, farming, agriculture and livestock are the aspiration of many of these people. A good farmer can not only support their family, but make sure that their family never goes without food in this way. The average laborer makes somewhere around two (US) dollars per day. When you boycott that “sweatshop” that only pays people three bucks an hour, working in an (often) air conditioned factory, you put them back in the fields HOPING to get around two bucks a day. The WVI is offering viable education and educational alternatives to the youth of today to prepare them for the global economy that they will have to compete in tomorrow. In addition to that, we are giving the family not only a subsidy or subsistence while the child attends school or other training programs, but the ability for the families to support themselves and increase their economic situation and actually provide for future generations of their families.

What about additional Work Programs - Not everyone is going to be suited to raising livestock. Some people are going to want to work for others and some people are going to want to have their very own businesses. No matter what the case may be, if they are willing to undergo the training, the WVI has set everything in place to help them to achieve their goals. The WVI works with the local city government to help to provide business licenses, the tools necessary to start a business and generally helps to provide either a “stand” or other location to start that business.

Once a business is established, the owners are required to purchase their goods (at fair market value) from other participants in the programs. This insures that everyone will be able to continue making a living within the local economy while not depending on continued charitable support.

What kind of “certification” can you really offer - The TESDA certification is recognized nationally and readily accepted as a viable credential. We have individuals on the Board of Directors who help us to establish and then to present curricula to the Board at TESDA in order to assure that all of our graduates for vocational training can receive TESDA certification for National and even limited International Recognition.

How much money does the WVI charge these people it helps - The WVI is not charging anyone anything. It does require that people follow certain guidelines and arrangements are made for extenuating circumstances. For example, after a typhoon blows through, people may be asked to donate livestock or cooking equipment to supply food to first responders in the field, but this is simply a request and not mandatory. When someone graduates a course and opens a Turo Turo (small restaurant) they may be required to purchase a certain percentage of their supplies from other graduates of WVI programs for a certain length of time. All of the people who own businesses will be given the freedom to do as they wish with their business and their income with the exception of selling them outright. Additionally, we do have counselors and business managers in place who can help those business enterprises that are having a difficult time making their business successful.

Example: Someone uses the WVI to start a traveling “barbecue” stand replete with bicycle and cart ... if the bike were to break down, they would not have the option of parting it out and selling it but would be required to bring it to a person from the WVI who could facilitate the repair.

How can you prevent the abuse so that programs are not given out based on favoritism? - The person who is actually in charge of the program implementation has over twenty years of doing volunteer work with the Department of Social Welfare and Development. She makes her presentations and recommendations based on her experience and her knowledge of the people with whom she is working with there. If there is any favoritism involved, it is merely that she is liable to help those families that she already knows and works with on a regular basis before extending her efforts and her search to other locations. All of the people who are selected for the assistance of the WVI must have a record of having used the DSWD programs in the past and have shown a dependence on social welfare for their support and assistance.

What kind of support do you have for a program of this nature? - At this point in time, our actual support may be a bit limited but our efforts have not by any means been in vain. We have a numerous supporters and just a few of those are listed here -

The Texas Cattlemen Association

The British Ambassador for the Philippines has given us a Programme Manager to work with us as a Liaison and guaranteed us support regarding future projects, a review of Proposals before they are properly submitted and other assurances of support as well as indicating a keen interest in Financing the initial project. Arrangements can be made for an introduction for anyone willing to travel to the Philippines and see personally what we are doing at present. Without the licensing in place however, such funding is not possible any more than any personal recognition would be at this stage of the WVI)

TESDA - The Training and Educational Skills Development Authority will review all of our course curricula and make sure that it meets or exceeds their requirements so that proper certification can be granted to students at WVI facilities.

ENRO - The Environmental and Natural Resources Office will be helping us to implement, maintain and control many of the Environmentally friendly aspects of our programs as well as offering guidance and support in regards to Environmentally friendly efforts, alternative fuels and resources as well as Rectifying existing ecological damage and preventing further damage to the ecosystem.

DSWD - The Department of Social Welfare and Development is working with WVI to insure that those who need the help the most are the first ones in line to receive that help.

The Government of Naga City, Camarines Sur - The Naga City Government has been an invaluable aid in helping the WVI to get established, making the necessary contacts and finding all of the right people to talk to both locally and nationally to make things happen.

The support from Universities both within the Philippines and from other locations has not been guaranteed in any official capacity but lively and fruitful discussions are underway with individuals at the following Universities:

  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • University of the Philippines
  • University of Pittsburgh
  • University of Miami
  • The Microsoft Corporation in Cooperation with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Paul Allen Institute


This plan may indeed seem rather large and all-encompassing to some people but when all of the different aspects are looked at logically, objectively and realistically, most of the aspects are there regardless of whether or not anyone chooses to work with them.

The reality is actually very simple. For a child to receive a good education, they will need a home. For a family to provide a home, they will need skills, training and the ability to either get a job or have their very own business. Anywhere that there is a business, there is going to be waste. While that waste may generally be summarily (and often hazardously) discarded, there are many occasions when such waste can be utilized and rather than being a liability for the company, it can be utilized as an asset and actually create even more opportunities. Those assets can then be used to create other jobs and offer even more people the ability to work that they did not have before.

What the WVI has done that is so “revolutionary” is put together a system where people do not become dependent upon any type of social welfare or charity but are given the opportunity to decide for themselves whether or not to improve their lot in life. For those that are willing to work, the road will be long and rough but there is a shining light at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately, there will always be those that do not want help or who prefer to stand with their hands extended for help rather than seeking a hand up. Such has been the case throughout the history of humankind and to expect anything more now would be nothing more than foolish naiveté.

The Webb Vocational Institute has put numerous measures into place to weed out those that want any hand out and no hand up as well as to prevent the abuse of such assistance by people that are neither deserving nor in need of such assistance. Additional safety measures have carefully been put into place in order to accomplish this in a manner that does not adversely affect the local economy or flood or diminish local marketing and pricing. Every measure has been carefully considered and reviewed so as to provide the maximum results with the least amount of openings for abuse by anyone involved. Additionally, the provisions included in the business model of the WVI do so in a manner that does not require the constant influx of donations in order to sustain itself. Once the initial programs have been set up and established, further donations can be utilized for additional programs such as University Scholarships and the expansion of the programs across the Philippines and eventually, around the globe.

The Primary Approach of the Webb Vocational Institute includes

Each bulleted point is followed by a small explanation and any one of numbers of groups, organizations, Governmental Agencies, NGOs or others with whom the WVI has already made…

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  • Zone 1, Sagrada, Pili, 05 4418, Philippines

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