Organización Sin Fin de Lucro

Center for Story-based Strategy

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Center for Story-based Strategy (CSS) is a national movement-building organization dedicated to harnessing the power of narrative for social change.

We offer social justice networks, alliances and organizations the analysis, training and strategic support to change the story on the issues that matter most.

We've trained over 4,000 activists since 2002. Through collaboration consulting, and direct partnership we've supported over 200 innovative social change organizations to win critical campaigns.


CSS uses the power of narrative to advance a holistic vision connecting struggles for democracy, peace, justice, and ecological sanity.

We're part of a grassroots cultural uprising of people power demanding change.

We believe that together we can move towards a just economy, a healthy planet, and a better future for all.

Why Now?

We believe that fundamental social change is not only possible, but deeply necessary.

We believe that our lifetimes come at a decisive moment in the history of our planet—a time of intersecting crises that requires creative, bold and strategic action.

Grassroots organizing makes long-term change when it targets the root causes.

We believe the root cause of today's crises lie in the potent mythologies that normalize an unjust status quo.

Center for Story-based Strategy (CSS) is a national movement-building organization dedicated to harnessing the power of narrative for social change.

We offer social justice networks, alliances and organizations the analysis, training…

Temáticas Incluídas


  • 654 13th St. #2, Oakland, CA 94612, United States

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