ONG (Setor Social)


  • Sobre Nós

    Ideally, we would like to end world hunger and poverty. However, this is a long process and many notable organizations have already begun to make great strides toward this goal. Kicks4Kenya uses the game of soccer as an immediate escape from the devastation found in the everyday lives of Kenyan children. Using rocks and tightly wrapped paper sacks as balls, these children play with more heart, determination and freedom than most professionals. By providing them with proper balls and equipment to encourage their play, these children can learn about teamwork and motivation. The sport also provides them with a temporary relief from their poverty-stricken world so that they may return with a more optimistic mindset and new enthusiasm for life. In the long run, these characteristics will help them grow as individuals and give them the confidence to overcome the obstacles they face and make great changes in their lifestyles. Thus, while a soccer ball may not seem like much of a gift, it is truly giving them the gift of the world.

    Ideally, we would like to end world hunger and poverty. However, this is a long process and many notable organizations have already begun to make great strides toward this goal. Kicks4Kenya uses the game of soccer as an immediate escape from the devastation found in the everyday lives of Kenyan children. Using rocks and tightly wrapped paper sacks as balls, these children play with more heart, determination and freedom than most professionals. By providing them with proper balls and equipment to encourage their play, these children can learn about teamwork and motivation. The sport also provides them with a temporary relief from their poverty-stricken world so that they may return with a more optimistic mindset and new enthusiasm for life. In the long run, these characteristics will help them grow as individuals and give them the confidence to overcome the obstacles they face and make great changes in their lifestyles. Thus, while a soccer ball may not…

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    • Wever, IA None, United States

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