The Matthew Harris Ornstein Summer Debate Institute (MHOSDI) is looking for a Deputy
Camp Director to join our team. MHOSDI, entering its 11th year, is an annual joint project of
the Matthew Harris Ornstein Memorial Foundation (MHOMF) and the Washington Urban
Debate League (WUDL). Each summer we serve approximately 200 rising 6th through 12th
graders from predominantly Title I schools in the DC area for a free three-week debate
program (typically taking place in late July through early August) that is both educational
and fun. While this role could potentially be virtual before and after the Institute, attending
in person is required for the three-week duration. This is a seasonal position from March to
August with the possibility of applying for a long-term position at WUDL at the Institute’s
conclusion. For more information about the Institute, please visit our website here.
Responsibilities include:
The Matthew Harris Ornstein Summer Debate Institute (MHOSDI) is looking for a Deputy
Camp Director to join our team. MHOSDI, entering its 11th year, is an annual joint project of
the Matthew Harris Ornstein Memorial Foundation (MHOMF) and the Washington Urban
Debate League (WUDL). Each summer we serve approximately 200 rising 6th through 12th
graders from predominantly Title I schools in the DC area for a free three-week debate
program (typically taking place in late July through early August) that is both educational
and fun. While this role could potentially be virtual before and after the Institute, attending
in person is required for the three-week duration. This is a seasonal position from March to
August with the possibility of applying for a long-term position at WUDL at the Institute’s
conclusion. For more information about the Institute, please visit our website here.
Responsibilities include: