Title: Federal Litigation Program Legal Assistant
Report to: Managing Attorney
Pay: Starts at $48,000 plus full GHIRP benefits,
Full-time, Non-exempt position
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm
GHIRP is an immigration legal services organization with 501(c)(3) status that launched in October 2020, with a mission to build a resilient, diverse community be providing comprehensive representation and holistic legal services to immigrants in need. GHIRP is seeking a full-time, legal assistant to support our Federal Litigation Program in representing immigrants in federal court to protect due process rights through targeted and strategic advocacy.
We are seeking a highly motivated individual interested in joining our Federal Litigation Program. The ideal applicant will have a strong commitment to public interest law and to the empowerment of the immigrant community.
GHIRP has outstanding benefits including medical and dental insurance, retirement, life insurance, long-term disability leave, and paid time off.
How to Apply: Position is open until filled. Applicants should send their Cover Letter and Resume to Rebecca Chavez at RebeccaC@ghirp.org
Title: Federal Litigation Program Legal Assistant
Report to: Managing Attorney
Pay: Starts at $48,000 plus full GHIRP benefits,
Full-time, Non-exempt position
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm
GHIRP is an immigration legal services organization with 501(c)(3) status that launched in October 2020, with a mission to build a resilient, diverse community be providing comprehensive representation and holistic legal services to immigrants in need. GHIRP is seeking a full-time, legal assistant to support our Federal Litigation Program in representing immigrants in federal court to protect due process rights through targeted and strategic advocacy.
We are seeking a highly motivated individual interested in joining our Federal Litigation Program. The ideal applicant will have a strong commitment to public interest law and to the empowerment of the immigrant community.
GHIRP has outstanding benefits including medical and dental insurance, retirement, life insurance, long-term disability leave, and paid time off.
GHIRP has outstanding benefits including medical and dental insurance, retirement, life insurance, long-term disability leave, and paid time off.
Written and oral Spanish fluency is strongly preferred.
Written and oral Spanish fluency is strongly preferred.