We have an English Social Studies teaching position available .. (Our school year runs from January 6th through November 6th, 2025) The starting date for this position can be March 3, 2025.
All candidates are required to be highly proficient, certified English speakers.
This position entails teaching Social Studies to 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th and 12th grade-
We are a bilingual, laboratory school (LAB), and often utilize cutting-edge teaching strategies to meet the learning needs of each of our students. We strive to nurture effective communication skills, master core academic content, and engage in inquiry-based lessons. Our goal is to encourage each student to learn the way he/she learns best. Learning experiences and educational expectations are academically, intellectually, and personally challenging for all students. Project-based learning strategies are incorporated across the grade levels. We use Socratic Seminars to engage our students and NEWSELA PRO to support differentiation.
We are heavily engaged in a community outreach program with local community schools. These experiences will impact your outlook on life and your future role in the global world. It has made a great impact on our students and staff.
The qualifications for this High School Social Studies position are the following:
If you feel that you would blossom in this type of environment, we encourage you to contact us! We are looking for teachers (facilitators) who want to make a DIFFERENCE! Working at CAS will provide an avenue for you to use your strengths to make that difference! We have a strong and committed team for you to join. contact: kserverianwilmeth or kwilmeth@cas.edu.gt kserverianwilmeth@gmail.com csuyan@cas.edu.gt
We have an English Social Studies teaching position available .. (Our school year runs from January 6th through November 6th, 2025) The starting date for this position can be March 3, 2025.
All candidates are required to be highly proficient, certified English speakers.
This position entails teaching Social Studies to 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th and 12th grade-
We are a bilingual, laboratory school (LAB), and often utilize cutting-edge teaching strategies to meet the learning needs of each of our students. We strive to nurture effective communication skills, master core academic content, and engage in inquiry-based lessons. Our goal is to encourage each student to learn the way he/she learns best. Learning experiences and educational expectations are academically, intellectually, and personally challenging for all students. Project-based learning strategies are incorporated across the grade levels. We use Socratic Seminars to engage our students and…
A house is provided in the area for all teachers to share.( If not interested in sharing living space, housing will not be included.)
Transportation is provided and cost of gas is shared by teachers and school.
Local Guatemala health insurance.
$1000 travel expense upon completion of contract
$1000 bonus upon completion of contract
$1000 bonus if resign a new contract.
Visa processed and paid. ($800)
Opportunity to learn Spanish
One week vacation at Easter
Two week vacation mid-year (July)
Opportunity to travel around Guatemala and visits its beautiful culture.
Opportunity to make mistakes and learn from them in a positive learning environment.
Be mentored and supported by an incredible staff.
Opportunity to engage in expanding your interests and sharing them with team and students.
You can stay where you are located while we are online and then come to Guatemala when we return to campus or we can negotiate and you can remain in your location.
A house is provided in the area for all teachers to share.( If not interested in sharing living space, housing will not be included.)
Transportation is provided and cost of gas is shared by teachers and school.
Local Guatemala health insurance.
$1000 travel expense upon completion of contract
$1000 bonus upon completion of contract
$1000 bonus if resign a new contract.
Visa processed and paid. ($800)
Opportunity to learn Spanish
One week vacation at Easter
Two week vacation mid-year (July)
Opportunity to travel around Guatemala and visits its beautiful culture.
Opportunity to make mistakes and learn from them in a positive learning environment.
Be mentored and supported by an incredible staff.
Opportunity to engage in expanding your interests and sharing them with team and students.
You can stay where you are located while we are online and then come to Guatemala when we return to campus or we can negotiate and you can remain in your location.
Highly proficient, certified English speaker required.
No Spanish required.
Highly proficient, certified English speaker required.
No Spanish required.
Contact Kathleen Serverian-Wilmeth at kwilmeth@cas.edu.gt or Claudia Suyan at csuyan@cas.edu.gt.