The Coastal Flora Conservation internship offers a multidisciplinary research and outreach
opportunity on the ecological value of Sint Maarten’s flora-based ecosystems, focusing on
salt pond mangroves inland and seagrass beds offshore. The internship may also include
some work on terrestrial flora, such as threatened species of succulents and orchids. The
intern will be expected to carry out fieldwork both on land and underwater, as well as conduct
light biodiversity analysis in support of ecosystem health assessments. The intern will
investigate previous reports and archival materials pertaining to local ponds and seagrass
beds in order to advance our understanding of their use, evolution, and distribution, both
anthropogenic and natural. The intern will improve existing educational materials and
outreach programs related to coastal flora and advance public understanding of the need
for conservation. The role may involve delivering presentations or talks, designing posters and
other graphics, writing social media posts, and occasionally supporting conservation tours.
As a Nature Foundation intern, the role also includes support of the organization’s other
programs and activities, including beach clean-ups, inventory organization, and more.
Preference will be given to candidates holding scuba diving certifications, as certain
monitoring activities involve underwater research. A valid driver’s license is required.
The Coastal Flora Conservation internship offers a multidisciplinary research and outreach
opportunity on the ecological value of Sint Maarten’s flora-based ecosystems, focusing on
salt pond mangroves inland and seagrass beds offshore. The internship may also include
some work on terrestrial flora, such as threatened species of succulents and orchids. The
intern will be expected to carry out fieldwork both on land and underwater, as well as conduct
light biodiversity analysis in support of ecosystem health assessments. The intern will
investigate previous reports and archival materials pertaining to local ponds and seagrass
beds in order to advance our understanding of their use, evolution, and distribution, both
anthropogenic and natural. The intern will improve existing educational materials and
outreach programs related to coastal flora and advance public understanding of the need
for conservation. The role may involve delivering…
Visit for internship description and application instructions.
Visit for internship description and application instructions.