We are a friendly group of volunteers who lead and manage the Sculpture Forest. We can use some help maintaining the grounds and trails in concert with Mother Nature. Hours, workload, and abilities are all very flexible. We love meeting new volunteers and invite you to do fun things together with us outside of our volunteer work, if interested. You can choose what interests you most, and work around your preferred schedule and availability, Let's chat!
We are a friendly group of volunteers who lead and manage the Sculpture Forest. We can use some help maintaining the grounds and trails in concert with Mother Nature. Hours, workload, and abilities are all very flexible. We love meeting new volunteers and invite you to do fun things together with us outside of our volunteer work, if interested. You can choose what interests you most, and work around your preferred schedule and availability, Let's chat!
1.3 miles east of downtown Coupeville on Parker Road.
Please informally email us at Contact@SculptureForest.org with what inspires you to be involved in our grand community experiment in art and nature. We can chat more from there!