ONG (Setor Social)

Program Director

Presencial, O trabalho pode ser executado em ou perto de North Andover, MA

  • Detalhes

    Tipo de Emprego:Tempo Integral
    Data de Início:1 de fevereiro de 2025
    Área de foco:Deficiência, Filantropia & Cultura de Doação, Proteção aos animais, Criança & Adolescente, Esportes & Recreação, Saúde Mental, Voluntariado


    JOB DESCRIPTION: Program Director

    Key responsibility area: Programs

    • Meet revenue goals set during the annual budgeting process
    • Collaborate and nurture relationships with current organizations
    • Research and build relationships with new client organizations
    • Fill current classes with at least 4-5 clients
    • Manage Program Assistant
    • Provide the volunteer and finance departments with scheduling information for new clients
    • Report on program revenues and numbers at staff meetings
    • Maintain PATH International standards and ensure compliance

    Key responsibility area: Admin/Other

    • Act as a Windrush ambassador to all who visit
    • Communicate with everyone at the farm in a positive, respectful manner
    • Assist in administrative or other duties as directed
    • Assist in fundraising and special events
    • Attend weekly staff meetings and/or programs meetings


    • Strong planning, management, organizational and communication skills
    • Strong PC skills
    • Horse knowledge preferred

    JOB DESCRIPTION: Program Director

    Key responsibility area: Programs

    • Meet revenue goals set during the annual budgeting process
    • Collaborate and nurture relationships with current organizations
    • Research and build relationships with new client organizations
    • Fill current classes with at least 4-5 clients
    • Manage Program Assistant
    • Provide the volunteer and finance departments with scheduling information for new clients
    • Report on program revenues and numbers at staff meetings
    • Maintain PATH International standards and ensure compliance

    Key responsibility area: Admin/Other

    • Act as a Windrush ambassador to all who visit
    • Communicate with everyone at the farm in a positive, respectful manner
    • Assist in administrative or other duties as directed
    • Assist in fundraising and special events
    • Attend weekly staff meetings and/or programs meetings


    • Strong planning, management, organizational and communication skills
    • Strong PC…


    479 Lacy St, North Andover, MA 01845, USA

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