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Animal Sanctuary Executive Director

Presencial, O trabalho pode ser executado em ou perto de Albion, IN

  • Detalhes

    Tipo de Emprego:Tempo Integral
    Data de Início:1 de outubro de 2024
    Prazo para Inscrições:13 de setembro de 2024
    Educação:Ensino Superior Requerido
    Nível de Experiência:Gerencial


    Professional Animal Retirement Center, Inc. dba Black Pine Animal Sanctuary, a multispecies, GFAS-accredited animal sanctuary in Albion, IN, exists to give rescued and retired exotic animals a safe haven and to educate people about exotic and endangered species.

    The Executive Director is the management leader of Black Pine Animal Sanctuary. The Executive Director is responsible for overseeing the administration and programs and carrying out the strategic plan of the organization. Key duties include fundraising, marketing, and community outreach. The position reports directly to the Board of Directors.

    General responsibilities:

    1) Board governance: Works with the board in order to fulfill the organization’s mission.

    • Responsible for leading Black Pine Animal Sanctuary in a manner that supports the organization’s mission as defined by the Board of Directors.

    • Responsible for communicating effectively with the Board and providing, in a timely and accurate manner, all information necessary for the Board to function properly and to make informed decisions.

    2) Financial performance and viability: Develops resources sufficient to ensure the financial health of the organization.

    • Responsible for the fiscal integrity of Black Pine Animal Sanctuary, to include submission to the Board of a proposed annual budget and monthly financial statements that accurately reflect the financial condition of the organization.

    • Responsible for fiscal management that operates within the approved budget, ensures maximum resource utilization, and maintains the organization in a positive financial position.

    • Responsible for fundraising and developing other resources necessary to support Black Pine Animal Sanctuary’s mission.

    3) Organization mission and strategy: Works with Board and staff to ensure that the mission is fulfilled through programs, strategic planning, and community outreach.

    • Responsible for implementation of Black Pine Animal Sanctuary’s programs that carry out the organization’s mission.

    • Responsible for implementing the strategic plan to ensure that Black Pine Animal Sanctuary can successfully fulfill its mission into the future.

    • Responsible for the enhancement of Black Pine Animal Sanctuary’s image by being active and visible in the community and by working closely with other professional, civic, and private organizations.

    4) Organization operations: Oversees and implements resources to ensure that the operations of the organization are appropriate.

    • Responsible for the effective administration of Black Pine Animal Sanctuary operations.

    • Responsible for the hiring and retention of competent, qualified staff.

    Professional qualifications:

    • Knowledge of fundraising strategies and donor relations unique to nonprofit sector.

    • Transparent and high-integrity leadership.

    • Solid, hands-on, budget management skills, including budget preparation, analysis, decision-making, and reporting.

    • Strong organizational abilities, including planning, delegating, program development, and task facilitation.

    • Ability to convey a vision of Black Pine Animal Sanctuary’s strategic future to staff, board, volunteers, and donors.

    • Skills to collaborate with and motivate board members and other volunteers.

    • Strong written and oral communication skills.

    • Ability to interface and engage diverse volunteer and donor groups.

    • Demonstrated ability to oversee and collaborate with staff.

    • Strong public speaking ability.

    Job responsibilities:

    1. Plan and operate within annual budget.

    2. Play a vital role in fundraising efforts and events.

    3. Oversee effective database of membership -- promote membership and grow base of members.

    4. Establish employment and administrative policies and procedures for all functions and for the day-to-day operation of the nonprofit.

    5. Research/identify/pursue/obtain grant opportunities.

    6. Serve as Black Pine Animal Sanctuary’s primary spokesperson to the organization’s constituents, the media, and the general public.

    7. Establish and maintain relationships with donors and sponsors and utilize those relationships to strategically enhance Black Pine Animal Sanctuary’s Mission.

    8. Report to and work closely with the Board of Directors to seek their involvement in policy decisions, fundraising, and to increase the overall visibility of the organization.

    9. Supervise and collaborate with organization staff.

    10. Strategic planning and implementation.

    11. Be a part of the Emergency Response Team and maintain all necessary training and certifications.

    12. Oversee marketing and other communications efforts.

    13. Review contracts for services and certifications.

    14. Other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.

    Salary commensurate with experience and other qualifications. Benefits package includes paid time off.

    Professional Animal Retirement Center, Inc. dba Black Pine Animal Sanctuary, a multispecies, GFAS-accredited animal sanctuary in Albion, IN, exists to give rescued and retired exotic animals a safe haven and to educate people about exotic and endangered species.

    The Executive Director is the management leader of Black Pine Animal Sanctuary. The Executive Director is responsible for overseeing the administration and programs and carrying out the strategic plan of the organization. Key duties include fundraising, marketing, and community outreach. The position reports directly to the Board of Directors.

    General responsibilities:

    1) Board governance: Works with the board in order to fulfill the organization’s mission.

    • Responsible for leading Black Pine Animal Sanctuary in a manner that supports the organization’s mission as defined by the Board of Directors.

    • Responsible for communicating effectively with the Board and providing, in a timely and…


    1426 W Main St, Albion, IN 46701, USA

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