ONG (Setor Social)

Social Movement Support Lab Summer Fellowship 2025

Virtual, O trabalho pode ser executado em qualquer lugar em United States

  • Detalhes

    Tipo de Emprego:Freelance (PJ)
    Data de término:29 de agosto de 2025
    Educação:Outros Requerimentos Educacionais
    Remuneração:Veja abaixo
    This position is supported by a $4,000 stipend
    Área de foco:Crime & Segurança, Educação, Direitos Humanos & Liberdades Civis, Raça & Etnicidade, Pesquisa & Ciências Sociais


    The Social Movement Support Lab (SMSL) is pleased to announce a 2025 Summer Fellowship Program for graduate students interested in supporting social and racial justice movements with cutting-edge research.

    About SMSL

    SMSL fights systemic racism and inequality by partnering with the most impacted communities and providing them with the multidisciplinary support they need to create transformative social change. We work in the parts of the U.S. where young people are routinely pushed out of school, the criminal punishment system is most devastating, and there always seems to be enough money for more police or a new jail but never enough for education, affordable housing, and mental and behavioral health services. In those communities, we provide unmatched research, organizing, policy, strategy, and communications support that meets the most critical needs of grassroots organizations engaged in cutting-edge campaigns to advance racial and social justice.

    Fellow Responsibilities:

    2025 Fellows will be researching and mapping political power around key social and racial justice issues.

    Stipend: $4,000

    The Social Movement Support Lab (SMSL) is pleased to announce a 2025 Summer Fellowship Program for graduate students interested in supporting social and racial justice movements with cutting-edge research.

    About SMSL

    SMSL fights systemic racism and inequality by partnering with the most impacted communities and providing them with the multidisciplinary support they need to create transformative social change. We work in the parts of the U.S. where young people are routinely pushed out of school, the criminal punishment system is most devastating, and there always seems to be enough money for more police or a new jail but never enough for education, affordable housing, and mental and behavioral health services. In those communities, we provide unmatched research, organizing, policy, strategy, and communications support that meets the most critical needs of grassroots organizations engaged in cutting-edge campaigns to advance racial and social…

    Nível de Proficiência do Idioma

    Desired language: English

    Eligibility Requirements:

    • Must be a graduate-level student, preferably in public policy, law, political science, economics, or sociology
    • Must have strong policy research skills and a demonstrated interest in racial and social justice movements
    • Must be able to commit 25 hours per week during the 10-week Fellowship and attend weekly team meetings and one-on-one check-ins with staff (remotely or in-person)

    Desired language: English

    Eligibility Requirements:

    • Must be a graduate-level student, preferably in public policy, law, political science, economics, or sociology
    • Must have…


    O trabalho pode ser executado de qualquer lugar em United States
    Local Associado
    Denver, CO, USA

    Inscreva-se: Job


    Application Process:

    Interested applicants should submit the following materials in a single PDF file via email to

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