ONG (Setor Social)

Executive Director of Physicians Against Red Meat

Virtual, O trabalho pode ser feito em qualquer lugar do mundo

  • Detalhes

    Tipo de Emprego:Freelance (PJ)
    Educação:Ensino Superior Requerido
    Nível de Experiência:Intermediário
    Compensação:USD $15 - $35 / hora
    Compensation is negotiable based upon experience.


    Reports to                                                                  Location

    President of PhARM                                                 Virtual

    Position Classification                                           Compensation

    Part Time                                                                      Negotiable (see below for details)


    We cannot solve the climate crisis without reducing red meat consumption. Physicians Against Red Meat (PhARM) seeks to rapidly and dramatically reduce red meat consumption because of red meat’s numerous adverse environmental and health effects. We seek an Executive Director who can help build PhARM into an organization nationally and internationally recognized as a major driver of reduced red meat consumption and climate change mitigation.

    PhARM sends a monthly email newsletter to over 45,000 physicians and others round the country. The newsletters highlight the health dangers associated with eating red meat. The newsletters help educated physicians regarding the rapidly expanding body of research evidence linking red meat with adverse health outcomes. The goal is that physicians who receive the newsletter will encourage their patients to reduce red meat consumption. PhARM also educated physicians and the general public through its website

    Some of PhARM’s other goals are:

    • Get hospitals to remove red meat from their menus.
    • Convince high schools and universities to stop serving red meat at their sponsored events.
    • Help city governments pass legislation that removes processed red meat from kindergarten, primary school and secondary school meal programs.
    • Develop patient brochures physicians can use to educate their patient about red meats health risks.
    • Conduct research on the most effective method for physicians to educate patients about red meat’s adverse health effects. 
    • Develop highly effective strategies for educating the public regarding red meat’s health and climate risks.

    The Executive Director would report to Michael J. Martin, MD, MPH, MBA.

    Dr. Martin is on an Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). Dr. Martin is also the Immediate Past President of Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR), a Washington, DC-based nonprofit that strives to reduce the risk of two existential threats: nuclear war and climate change. PSR shared in the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize for its work helping to prevent nuclear war. 

    The Executive Director would provide vision and leadership to grow Physicians Against Red Meat (PhARM) into a thriving nonprofit organization able to achieve its goal of reducing red meat consumption and improving human health.

    We want someone who is passionate about reducing meat consumption and addressing climate change. While the Executive Director will be compensated, we want someone who would do this work even if money were not involved or needed. 

    This position initially will be part time with limited compensation. However, it could become full time with much higher compensation as soon as PhARM has advanced to the point of being able to support an increase in time and compensation. We hope to pay between $15 and $35 per hour, but we would consider a higher compensation based upon experience and expertise.

    Position Summary

    The Executive Director provides vision and leadership for the organization, including:

    • Providing support for various projects and initiatives;
    • Increasing awareness of PhARM through the use of social media and mainstream media;
    • Identifying ways for PhARM to secure funding, either through grants or contributions from
    • individuals and organizations;
    • Providing oversight of day-to-day activities and operations;
    • Engaging with Board members, Advisory Board members, volunteers, partners, agencies, contractors, and funders regarding PhARM’s activities and initiatives.
    • The Executive Director must be dedicated to the PhARM mission and values, be capable of facilitating collaborative and science-based decision-making, and possess a deep passion for and commitment to stewardship.

    Duties (to include, but not limited to):

    • Promote PhARM as an organization, increase awareness of its role and mission, and secure funding for implementing PhARM’s strategic plan and initiatives; 
    • Provide sound fiscal management, including developing budgets and seeking grant funding;
    • Initiate and manage the organization’s day-to-day activities;
    • Cultivate and maintain strong, trusting, and effective relationships among Board members, partners, agencies, and other key decision-makers;
    • Support the Board, including scheduling, developing agendas, and facilitating Board meetings and other meetings as directed (e.g., member meetings, annual meetings).


    • Bachelor’s Degree or higher is preferred but not required;
    • Excellent listening skills, humility, and ability to engender the trust of partners, agencies, and funders;
    • Experience working with nonprofits in some capacity;
    • Record of success working collaboratively with diverse interests and individuals;
    • Willingness to do fundraising and to partner with public and private entities in the environmental, health care, and natural resources sectors;
    • Ability to build and work with a team;
    • Familiarity with developing budgets and work plans.

    Work Environment

    Must be willing to work a flexible schedule.

    Terms of Employment

    The President of PhARM will oversee the Executive Director. Terms of employment will be outlined in the agreement between the Executive Director and the President of PhARM.

    How to Apply

    Applicants should email a single PDF file with the following:

    1. Brief cover letter or email indicating your interest and how you meet the qualifications for the position;
    2. Current resume;
    3. Information about your compensation requirements.
    4. Up to three professional references with contact information.

    Please submit the application package through the Idealist website.

    Feel free to email questions about the application process or your qualifications.

    Reports to                                                                  Location

    President of PhARM                                                 Virtual

    Position Classification                                           Compensation

    Part Time                                                                      Negotiable (see below for details)


    We cannot solve the climate crisis without reducing red meat consumption. Physicians Against Red Meat (PhARM) seeks to rapidly and dramatically reduce red meat consumption because of red meat’s numerous adverse environmental and health effects. We seek an Executive Director who can help build PhARM into an organization nationally and internationally recognized as a major driver of reduced red meat consumption and climate change mitigation.

    PhARM sends a monthly email newsletter to over 45,000 physicians and others round the country. The newsletters highlight the health dangers associated with eating red meat. The newsletters help educated physicians regarding the rapidly expanding body of research evidence linking red meat with adverse health outcomes. The goal is that physicians who receive the…


    O trabalho pode ser executado em qualquer lugar the world
    Local Associado
    2 Pacheco St, San Francisco, CA 94116, USA

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