ONG (Setor Social)

Drug & Alcohol Clinical Supervisor

Presencial, O trabalho pode ser executado em ou perto de Philadelphia, PA

  • Detalhes

    Tipo de Emprego:Tempo Integral
    Data de Início:17 de fevereiro de 2025
    Prazo para Inscrições:16 de fevereiro de 2025
    Educação:Ensino Superior Requerido
    Nível de Experiência:Intermediário
    Salário:USD $70.000 - $75.000 / ano
    Área de foco:Saúde Mental, Dependência Química & Uso de Substâncias, Deficiência, Saúde & Medicina


    Drug & Alcohol Clinical Supervisor

    JFK Behavioral Health Center

    POSITION OVERVIEW: JFK’s D & A Clinical Supervisor facilitates clinical service delivery for the walk-in substance use treatment program. The clinical supervisor develops/implements treatment that follows best practices that adhere to regulatory guidelines and agency protocols. Our Walk-In Clinic receives self-referrals, practitioner or agency referrals for individuals that may require assessment for IOP, outpatient therapy or other services.


      • Oversees the clinical assessments for populations presenting with substance use, addiction disorders, or co-occurring disorders
      • Trains clinicians in technique and methodology; orients with appropriate laws, policies, regulations and procedures; evaluates performance & development, determines training needs.
      • Conducts supervision with assigned clinical staff and reviews and signs-off on all progress notes/treatment plans.
      • Ensure all clinical documentation adheres to all federal, state, county and payer requirements


      • Desire to embrace and advance the philosophy and objectives of JFK Behavioral Health
      • Understand substance use, treatment and the dynamics of psychological rehabilitation.
      • Are seeking to develop & hone skills to professionally develop other clinicians
      • Can establish rapport and cooperative relationships with clinicians, administrators and clients.
      • Understand the social factors which contribute to attitudes and behaviors
      • Are organized and can monitor clinician’s documentation for adherence to regulatory requirements.
      • Is keenly aware of the laws, regulations and rules governing the provision of behavioral health services


      • Bachelor's in social work, psychology, counseling, social work, human services, chemical dependency or a related discipline from an accredited university.
      • Three years previous work experience to include:
      • One year of direct experience working with the chemically dependent


    JFK’s compensation structure is impacted by the limited resources dedicated to mental health treatment and recovery, but is augmented by our comprehensive benefits offerings:

      • Generous PTO accruals; vacation, sick, and personal days
      • Medical dental, vision and prescription plan coverage with moderate employee contributions
      • JFK is a PSLF qualifying employer for student-loan forgiveness.
      • Licensure qualifying direct supervision clinical hours (LPC/LCSW)
      • Reimbursement for continuing education, other training opportunities and licensure assistance
      • Direct and indirect clinical hours and supervision towards CAACD certification

    Schedule: Monday through Friday: 9 am to 5 pm

    Location: Center City Philadelphia, accessible to SEPTA and Regional Rail

    Drug & Alcohol Clinical Supervisor

    JFK Behavioral Health Center

    POSITION OVERVIEW: JFK’s D & A Clinical Supervisor facilitates clinical service delivery for the walk-in substance use treatment program. The clinical supervisor develops/implements treatment that follows best practices that adhere to regulatory guidelines and agency protocols. Our Walk-In Clinic receives self-referrals, practitioner or agency referrals for individuals that may require assessment for IOP, outpatient therapy or other services.


      • Oversees the clinical assessments for populations presenting with substance use, addiction disorders, or co-occurring disorders
      • Trains clinicians in technique and methodology; orients with appropriate laws, policies, regulations and procedures; evaluates performance & development, determines training needs.
      • Conducts supervision with assigned clinical staff and reviews and signs-off on…


      • Generous PTO accruals; vacation, sick, and personal days
      • Medical dental, vision and prescription plan coverage with moderate employee contributions
      • JFK is a PSLF qualifying employer for student-loan forgiveness.
      • Licensure qualifying direct supervision clinical hours (LPC/LCSW)
      • Reimbursement for continuing education, other training opportunities and licensure assistance
      • Direct and indirect clinical hours and supervision towards CAACD certification
      • Generous PTO accruals; vacation, sick, and personal days
      • Medical dental, vision and prescription plan coverage with moderate employee contributions
      • JFK is a PSLF qualifying employer for student-loan forgiveness.
      • Licensure qualifying direct supervision clinical hours (LPC/LCSW)
      • Reimbursement for continuing education, other training opportunities and licensure assistance
      • Direct and indirect clinical hours and supervision towards CAACD certification


    112 N Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19102, USA

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