ONG (Setor Social)

Terms of Reference (TOR): Design of Workplace Engagement Strategy for CIVICUS

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  • Detalhes

    Tipo de Emprego:Tempo Integral
    Tipo de Emprego:Temporário / PJ / Freelance
    Data de Início:1 de setembro de 2024
    Data de término:31 de dezembro de 2024
    Prazo para Inscrições:29 de agosto de 2024
    Educação:Ensino Superior Requerido
    Nível de Experiência:Intermediário


    IVICUS is an international alliance of members and partners which constitute an influential network of organisations at the local, national, regional and international levels, and span the spectrum of civil society including civil socisssety networks and organisations; trade unions; faith-based networks; professional associations; NGO capacity development organisations; philanthropic foundations and other funding bodies; businesses; and social responsibility programmes.


    CIVICUS seeks an external expert or team of experts to design a comprehensive Workplace Engagement Strategy. This strategy aims to enhance workplace culture, foster engagement, and align with CIVICUS's strategic goals for 2022-2027.


    The organisation has undergone significant changes, including a shift to a hybrid and dispersed work model since 2020 and the onboarding of numerous new staff members. This evolution has led to uneven onboarding and engagement experiences. The strategy will address these issues and support both immediate (2024-25) and medium-term (2025-27) outcomes related to organisational health, trust, and engagement. The purpose of this exercise is to ensure a consistent onboarding and engagement experience across individuals and teams, ensuring employees have adequate understanding of CIVICUS’ history, strategy, systems and processes.

    Scope of Work

    1. Organisational Trend Analysis:
      • Review and synthesize findings from recent studies commissioned by the CIVICUS Board and Senior Leadership Team (SLT) regarding priorities for CIVICUS’ organisational health and culture.
      • Utilize existing analyses of key documents from 2017 onwards to reduce time needed for data collection.
    2. Workplace Engagement Survey:
      • Conduct a survey (Sep-Oct) to evaluate the workplace experience of CIVICUS staff across various functions and geographies.
      • Identify key components of an optimal workplace experience and address gaps in engagement, focusing on workplace culure, inclusion, induction experience, recognition, and alignment with CIVICUS’s mission.
    3. In-Person Workshop Facilitation:
      • Design and facilitate a 2-day workshop (Nov 11-12, tentative) to consolidate survey findings and develop strategies for sustained workplace engagement.
      • Day One: Deep dive with the SLT and Management Leads to refine proposals based on feedback and recommndations received.
      • Day Two: Collaborative session with the Board and staff (over 40 participants) to set engagement objectives, agree on standards, and clarify responsibilities, in line with CIVICUS mission & vision, along with way of serving CIVICUS membership and civil society
    4. Strategy Documentation:
      • Submit a brief report (not exceeding 12 pages) with reflections and recommendations.
      • Provide a draft Workplace (cultue) Engagement Strategy for review and adoption by the organisation.


    • Comprehensive analysis of organisational trends.
    • Findings from the Workplace Engagement Survey.
    • Facilitated workshop sessions and outcomes.
    • Draft Workplace Engagement Strategy and accompanying report.


    • Sep-Oct 2024: Conduct Workplace Engagement Survey.
    • Nov 11-12, 2024: Facilitate in-person workshop.
    • Dec 2024: Submit documented reflections and draft strategy.


    Proposals will be reviewed for cost-effectiveness/ value for money and fit for purpose.

    The vendor/s will ideally begin work in September 2024, with all deliverables completed by 31 December 2024.

    Consultant Specifications

    The vendor/s will have the following skills and experience:

    • Detailed technical and methodological approach.
    • Experience in developing workplace engagement strategies.
    • Familiarity with hybrid and dispersed work models.
    • Ability to facilitate large, diverse groups.
    • Compliance with international best practices and standards.
    • Good knowledge and understanding of the global civil society landscape
    • Practical experience working with civil society organisations and networks is advantageouss

    Expressions of Interest

    Interested vendors should submit:

    1. Company Profile: Overview of the company, qualifications, and relevant experience.
    2. Technical Proposal: Detailed description of the proposed approach and methodology.
    3. Implementation Plan: Step-by-step plan with timelines and milestones.
    4. Cost Proposal: Detailed budget including all costs associated with the project.
    5. References: Examples of previous similar projects and client references.

    Evaluation Criteria

    • Alignment with TOR requirements.
    • Quality and feasibility of the proposed approach.
    • Vendor’s experience and qualifications.
    • Cost-effectiveness.
    • Feedback from references.

    IVICUS is an international alliance of members and partners which constitute an influential network of organisations at the local, national, regional and international levels, and span the spectrum of civil society including civil socisssety networks and organisations; trade unions; faith-based networks; professional associations; NGO capacity development organisations; philanthropic foundations and other funding bodies; businesses; and social responsibility programmes.


    CIVICUS seeks an external expert or team of experts to design a comprehensive Workplace Engagement Strategy. This strategy aims to enhance workplace culture, foster engagement, and align with CIVICUS's strategic goals for 2022-2027.


    The organisation has undergone significant changes, including a shift to a hybrid and dispersed work model since 2020 and the onboarding of numerous new staff members. This evolution has led to uneven onboarding and…

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    Local Associado
    25 Owl St, Braamfontein Werf, Johannesburg, 2092, South Africa

    Inscreva-se: Emprego


    Submission Guidelines

    • Proposals must be submitted by August 29, 2024.
    • Submit proposals to inserting “Workplace Engagement Strategy” in the subject line.
    • For any questions, send to

    Terms and Conditions

    • CIVICUS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal.
    • Confidentiality of all submissions will be maintained.
    • The contract will be awarded based on the best overall value and alignment with CIVICUS’s needs.
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