ONG (Setor Social)

Executive Administrative Assistant

Presencial, O trabalho pode ser executado em ou perto de Arvada, CO

  • Detalhes

    Tipo de Emprego:Tempo Integral
    Data de Início:3 de março de 2025
    Prazo para Inscrições:24 de fevereiro de 2025
    Educação:Ensino Superior Requerido
    Nível de Experiência:Intermediário
    Salário:Pelo menos USD $50.000 / year
    to be negotiated based on experience
    Área de foco:Família, Fome e Segurança Ambiental, Moradia & Moradores de Rua, Religião e Espiritualidade, Criança & Adolescente, Pobreza


    Position Description

    TheExecutive Administrative Assistant is essentia I in helpingthe organization maximizeits impact in the community. This position is the "hub" of the office;it is the common connection point for everything that happens between departments ensuring that the overall operation runs smoothly and professionally. The most important aspect of everyrole at BeyondHome is reflecting the love of God well which includes but is notlimited to the ability and willingness to connect well with others (residents, staff, board, partners, volunteers, and anyone else who crosses our paths).The role includescreating and mai ntai ning a pleasantwork environment, ensuring high levels of organizational effectiveness, communication, and cohesion. The person in this position will work closely with the Executive Director and AssociateDi rectors to streamline administrative practices, create efficiencies, and support our momentum. This important work wi11 assist the directors of BeyondHome in such a way that the talents of alI staff members are maximized, details and deadlines are attended to well, and the organization is able to move into the futureas a cohesive whole. In doing that, the Executive Administrative Assistant wi11 be an important pa rt of our team,helping our fa miIi es to move from homelessness to a secure and thriving future.

    Areas of Responsibility Support Executive Director

    • Prepare Quarterly Board Meeting Packets
    • Gather and consolidate information for Boa rd Reports
    • Maintain and update resident rosters
    • Research policies, programs,and opportunities as requested
    • Maintain and update planning documents
    • Manage calendar
    • Special projects as identified bythe Executive Director

    Support Associate Directors

    • Understand the role of each department and how they interface with one another
    • Bal anee the duties assignedbetween departments with grace and clear communication
    • Support each departmentin tracking grants, correspondence, and program deadIi nes
    • Manage calendars

    Database Management

    • Set up and maintain databasesused by each department (currently Network for Good and Salesforce)
    • Train/support staff members on their portionof using the data bases
    • Create tracking within databases so that essentialtasks are completedin a timely fashion
    • Create and run reports for all departments
    • Maximize the use of SaIesforce software for a11 departments

    Personnel Orientation and Support

    • Assist in the onboarding processfor new hires
      • Schedule interviews, conductbackground checks, check references as requested by hiring manager
      • Gather all necessary information and items for employee's start date
      • Schedule introductions to all departments
    • Maintain personnel files
    • Google Drive trainingfor new staff

    Records, Including Filing and Scanning

    • Create and maintain a centralfiling system and database both online and on paper
    • Scan records and maintain electronically according to legal requirements


    • Schedule meetings as requested
    • Set and clean up meeting rooms, including beverages/snacks
    • Organize and order food if required
    • Take notes at staff meetings
    • Track and remind staff of birthdays/a nniversari es

    General Office Management

    • Answer main phone Ii ne
    • General filing
    • Order, organize, and manage suppliesin coordination with Finance Director
    • Ensure the smoothrunning of the office
    • Provide general administrative support
    • Compile, edit, and distribute weekly ENews to residentsand staff

    Other duties

    • Mainta i ning the office conditionand arrange for necessary repairs
    • Demonstrate effective communication and share information on relevant issues with BeyondHome staff
    • Commitment to "team first" environment
    • Miscellaneous duties as assigned

    Knowledge & Skills

    • Extraordinary organizational skills
    • Experience with a variety of office software(email tools, spreadsheets, and databases)
    • Proficiency in Microsoft Office, Google Drive
    • Highattention to detail;ability to proofread accurately
    • Excellent problem-solving and criticalthinking skills
    • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
    • Excellent time management skills and abilityto multitask and prioritize work
    • AbiIity to develop timel inesand consistently meet deadIi nes
    • Self-driven, yet aIsa effective working in a culture that embraces teamwork to get the best results
    • Commitment to work colI aboratively with a11 constituent groups, including staff, boa rd members, volunteers, donors, program pa rtici pants, and other supporters
      • AbiIity to see the best in others,es pecia I ly as conflicts a rise
      • Willingness to work through variousissues with all staff and/or departments
      • Emotiona11y IntelIi gent/self-aware
      • Servant leader with a strong desireto follow throughand help all


    • Bachelor of Sciencedegree in Organizational Management preferred
    • Experience in NPO/smalloffice/human service organization
    • Loves making order out of chaos
    • A creative mind with an abiIity to suggest improvements in a colIaborative way
    • Commitment to the mission and work of BeyondHome
    • Commitment to the core vaI ues of BeyondHome
    • Commitment to supporting a culture of continuous improvement

    Position Description

    TheExecutive Administrative Assistant is essentia I in helpingthe organization maximizeits impact in the community. This position is the "hub" of the office;it is the common connection point for everything that happens between departments ensuring that the overall operation runs smoothly and professionally. The most important aspect of everyrole at BeyondHome is reflecting the love of God well which includes but is notlimited to the ability and willingness to connect well with others (residents, staff, board, partners, volunteers, and anyone else who crosses our paths).The role includescreating and mai ntai ning a pleasantwork environment, ensuring high levels of organizational effectiveness, communication, and cohesion. The person in this position will work closely with the Executive Director and AssociateDi rectors to streamline administrative practices, create efficiencies, and support our momentum. This…


    We prioritize the well-being and financial security of our team by offering comprehensive benefits designed to support a healthy work-life balance. After just one month of employment, employees receive 75% employer-paid health insurance, full dental coverage, and life insurance to ensure peace of mind. We also invest in your future with a 3% pension contribution after one year of service, helping you build long-term financial stability. To support time off and personal well-being, employees receive two weeks of paid vacation after three months, 12 paid sick days, and 20 paid holidays each year. Additionally, we offer flexible schedules to help employees balance work, family, and personal commitments.

    We prioritize the well-being and financial security of our team by offering comprehensive benefits designed to support a healthy work-life balance. After just one month of employment, employees receive 75% employer-paid health insurance, full dental coverage, and life insurance to ensure peace of mind. We also invest in your future with a 3% pension contribution after one year of service, helping you build long-term financial stability. To support time off and personal well-being, employees receive two weeks of paid vacation after three months, 12 paid sick days, and 20 paid holidays each year. Additionally, we offer flexible schedules to help employees balance work, family, and personal commitments.

    Nível de Proficiência do Idioma

    English required. Spanish and/or Russian would be beneficial for the populations served

    English required. Spanish and/or Russian would be beneficial for the populations served


    Arvada, CO, USA

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