Lead Locally is looking for a Digital Communications Coordinator who can drive digital engagement around critical down ballot climate elections to help win local elections for the climate movement.
Lead Locally organizes around down ballot climate elections that can stop fossil fuels and build the Green New Deal from the grassroots up. We engage volunteers and donors to remotely support climate champions running in the most important down ballot elections across the county in partnership with local and state partners.
The Digital Communications Coordinator will be responsible for making our campaigns come to life online by sharing compelling and actionable content. We’re looking for someone who can ramp up our online campaign, social media presence, and in particular help us expand to Instagram reels and TikTok.
Primary Responsibilities
Skills and Qualifications
How to Apply: Please apply here!
Location: Remote
Compensation: This paid position is full time and includes a generous benefit package, which includes medical insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, commuter benefits, paid time off, and a 401k match. The salary compensation is $75,000 annually. We encourage people of color, LGBTQ folks, people with disabilities, people of all genders, and people of other identities to apply.
Lead Locally is looking for a Digital Communications Coordinator who can drive digital engagement around critical down ballot climate elections to help win local elections for the climate movement.
Lead Locally organizes around down ballot climate elections that can stop fossil fuels and build the Green New Deal from the grassroots up. We engage volunteers and donors to remotely support climate champions running in the most important down ballot elections across the county in partnership with local and state partners.
The Digital Communications Coordinator will be responsible for making our campaigns come to life online by sharing compelling and actionable content. We’re looking for someone who can ramp up our online campaign, social media presence, and in particular help us expand to Instagram reels and TikTok.
Primary Responsibilities
This paid position is full time and includes a generous benefit package, which includes medical insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, commuter benefits, paid time off, and a 401k match. The salary compensation is $75,000 annually.
This paid position is full time and includes a generous benefit package, which includes medical insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, commuter benefits, paid time off, and a 401k match. The salary compensation is $75,000 annually.