ONG (Setor Social)

The Lagunitas Project

  • Sobre Nós

    THE LAGUINTAS PROJECT was formed in 2018 to be a source point for inspiring creativity and discovery of systems that recover bio-diversity, and grow environmental awareness as modeled in the sustainable village at The Last Resort —the nucleus of The Lagunitas Project.

    We serve to:

    • Maintain and preserve The Last Resort through fiscal stewardship;
    • Establish the David L. Hoffman Center for Sustainable Living;
    • Present Arts, Architecture, Cultural and Environmental Programming for Children, Youth and Adults;
    • Support a Global Artist Residency and Lab for Discovering Scalable Solutions to Environmental Problems;
    • Grow Social Awareness for Clean Technology Through Diverse Individual, Group and Community Partnerships;
    • Work with Organizations to Promote and Integrate Eco-Restorative Systems in Construction Standards.

    THE LAGUINTAS PROJECT was formed in 2018 to be a source point for inspiring creativity and discovery of systems that recover bio-diversity, and grow environmental awareness as modeled in the sustainable village at The Last Resort —the nucleus of The Lagunitas Project.

    We serve to:

    • Maintain and preserve The Last Resort through fiscal stewardship;
    • Establish the David L. Hoffman Center for Sustainable Living;
    • Present Arts, Architecture, Cultural and Environmental Programming for Children, Youth and Adults;
    • Support a Global Artist Residency and Lab for Discovering Scalable Solutions to Environmental Problems;
    • Grow Social Awareness for Clean Technology Through Diverse Individual, Group and Community Partnerships;
    • Work with Organizations to Promote and Integrate Eco-Restorative Systems in Construction Standards.

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