ONG (Setor Social)

The Campaign for Public Health Foundation

Washington, DC |

  • Sobre Nós

    The mission of the Campaign for Public Health Foundation is to educate the public, the media, policy makers and others about the important role public health plays in our nation’s health system.

    Several strategies are planned to accomplish our mission. These include:

    • Leading educational tours of exemplary public health institutions or agencies, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
    • Holding educational forums on various public health efforts, initiatives or programs.
    • Tracking and publishing non partisan analyses of government spending on public health initiatives.
    • Spreading awareness of how public health funding is utilized by U.S. states, cities, territories and counties - particularly with respect to those programs funded with the support of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – our nation’s principal public health agency.
    • Spreading awareness of how public health funding is utilized by other nations in an effort to highlight best practices.
    • Research the costs and benefits of public health programs to better understand the return on investment.
    • Highlight past successes of public health efforts.
    • Disseminate studies, reports, handouts, publications, books or other documents focused on public health - produced by the CPH Foundation or provided to us by outside organizations.

    The CPH Foundation will reach out to the public, to legislators, the media and those in the health and business communities in an effort to accomplish our mission.

    The mission of the Campaign for Public Health Foundation is to educate the public, the media, policy makers and others about the important role public health plays in our nation’s health system.

    Several strategies are planned to accomplish our mission. These include:

    • Leading educational tours of exemplary public health institutions or agencies, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
    • Holding educational forums on various public health efforts, initiatives or programs.
    • Tracking and publishing non partisan analyses of government spending on public health initiatives.
    • Spreading awareness of how public health funding is utilized by U.S. states, cities, territories and counties - particularly with respect to those programs funded with the support of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – our nation’s principal public health agency.
    • Spreading awareness of how public health funding is utilized by other nations in an effort…

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    • PO Box 15305, Washington, DC 20003-0305, United States

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