ONG (Setor Social)

Sellers Senior Center

Sobre Nós

Sellers Senior Center invites anyone 50 years of age or older regardless of religion, gender, race or color to join us.  Sellers is committed to providing quality human services, social contacts, recreation, education and representation for the senior citizens of our community.

Multiple programs are provided on a daily basis.  Some activities are free to members.  When the activity requires materials or travel, a fee may apply.

A noon time meal is offered daily.  A donation for the meal is based on income for those 60 years and older.  The meal cost $4.25 for those younger than 60.

Annual membership for Sellers Senior Center is $25.  Our fiscal year runs from July 1 through June 30. Your membership entitles you to our newsletter, priority trip sign-ups, and access to the many programs we offer.

Sellers Senior Center invites anyone 50 years of age or older regardless of religion, gender, race or color to join us.  Sellers is committed to providing quality human services, social contacts, recreation, education and representation for…

Áreas Temáticas incluem


  • 500 Duncan Road, Wilmington, DE None, United States
    Wilmington, DE 19809

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