ONG (Setor Social)

Sewa Development Trust Sindh - SDTS

Khairpur Mirs, Paquistão |

  • Sobre Nós

    Sewa Development Trust Sindh is a non-sectarian, non-denominational, non-profit organization of Sindh-Pakistan that was founded by a group of leading Development Social and Human Rights activists in 1998. The word Sewa means ‘service’ in Sindhi/Hindi language. The abbreviation SDTS stands for Sewa Development Trust Sindh envisages socio-economic changes aiming at the provision of equal opportunities for the full realization of gender potential. SDTS lead by Ms. Amber Khushk (she is winner of Women’s World Summit Foundation, Switzerland award/prize for the year 2002 in the field of “rural women’s creativity”). SDTS is registered with Government of Sindh under Trust Act-1882 and enrolled with Ministry of Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad.


    “Our vision is a country without poverty in which every person can exercise their right to a life of dignity and having the secure life and its facilities”.


    “Struggle of Community Development and to empower the People by providing the opportunity to develop the leadership skills, social responsibility and fellowship necessary to create positive change.”


    1 To provide Service Delivery for basic facilities of life in remote areas. 2 Struggle to eradicate Social Evils and Poverty from the Community and to provide conducive atmosphere for the Human Development. 3 Struggle for development activities through participatory approach. 4 Strengthen and Empower People Politically, Socially and economically. 5 To provide Advocacy, Information, Personnel Technical Support & Training. 6 Create socio-economic and Human Rights Awareness.

    STRUCTURE: SDTS has matrix management system in a flat structure supported by: • A 13 members Supreme Council including Board of Trustees & Board of Directors collective as the overall Policy making body.

    • Managing Director & Staff Managers responsible for Policy Implementation and Planning, Training and Monitoring of Program projects. • The Head Office is based at Khairpur District with a combined field and office staff of some 41 persons. The office is well equipped with a Training Hall and accessories.

    Sewa Development Trust Sindh is a non-sectarian, non-denominational, non-profit organization of Sindh-Pakistan that was founded by a group of leading Development Social and Human Rights activists in 1998. The word Sewa means ‘service’ in Sindhi/Hindi language. The abbreviation SDTS stands for Sewa Development Trust Sindh envisages socio-economic changes aiming at the provision of equal opportunities for the full realization of gender potential. SDTS lead by Ms. Amber Khushk (she is winner of Women’s World Summit Foundation, Switzerland award/prize for the year 2002 in the field of “rural women’s creativity”). SDTS is registered with Government of Sindh under Trust Act-1882 and enrolled with Ministry of Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad.


    “Our vision is a country without poverty in which every person can exercise their right to a life of dignity and having the secure life and its facilities”.


    Áreas Temáticas incluem


    • A-3, 3rd Floor, Civic Centre, Khairpur Mirs, Khairpur Mirs, None 66020, Pakistan

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