The East Timor and Indonesia Action Network/U.S. (ETAN) is a U.S.-based grassroots organization working in solidarity with the peoples of East Timor (Timor-Leste), West Papua, and Indonesia. ETAN educates, organizes, and advocates for human rights, women's rights, societal and economic justice, democracy and genuine self-determination in East Timor. ETAN works for justice for historic and ongoing crimes against humanity, war crimes, and human rights violations in East Timor, West Papua, and Indonesia.
The East Timor and Indonesia Action Network/U.S. (ETAN) is a U.S.-based grassroots organization working in solidarity with the peoples of East Timor (Timor-Leste), West Papua, and Indonesia. ETAN educates, organizes, and advocates for human rights, women's rights, societal and economic justice, democracy and genuine self-determination in East Timor. ETAN works for justice for historic and ongoing crimes against humanity, war crimes, and human rights violations in East Timor, West Papua, and Indonesia.