ONG (Setor Social)

Tony Blair Faith Foundation

Sobre Nós

Generation Global: Navigating Difference Through Dialogue

Young people will shape the future, and they will do so in a world of relentless change and diversity. Generation Global is a program that prepares students around the world for this diversity, giving them the skills and experience they need to navigate difference in a peaceful way.

Students learn and practice the skills of dialogue in the classroom before engaging with one another through videoconferences or online. We connect classrooms across the world, allowing students to explore their own views, while encountering the views of others, with a trained facilitator to manage the flow of the discussion. On our online community, students work in small groups sharing their views and engaging in dialogue on pre-arranged topics with their peers from around the world. By providing these global learning and dialogue opportunities, Generation Global helps young people to be resolute in the face of narratives that can lead to conflict and extremism.

We develop resources, train teachers, advocate for the importance of global education, and work with a range of partner organizations to bring the experience of global dialogue to young people around the world. As global citizenship becomes more widely recognized as a critical skill for young people in the 21st century, our materials and approaches are being recognized as making a powerful contribution to this educational movement. 

Generation Global is a project of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation, which provides practical support to counter religious conflict and extremism in order to promote open-minded and stable societies.

Generation Global: Navigating Difference Through Dialogue

Young people will shape the future, and they will do so in a world of relentless change and diversity. Generation Global is a program that prepares students around the world for…

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  • New York, NY 10036, United States

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