The Stoughton Youth Commission provides no-cost professional and confidential counseling services to Stoughton youth and their families. Children, adolescents and families meet with an experienced mental health clinician or graduate social work intern. Organizing Against Substances in Stoughton (OASIS) is the substance abuse prevention facet of the SYC, consisting of community members that work toward the planning and reduction of youth alcohol, tobacco and other drug use (ATOD). OASIS works toward strengthening and coordinating collaborations for substance abuse prevention through community partnerships and mobilizing the community towards a culture that values substance abuse prevention and sustainability.
The Stoughton Youth Commission provides no-cost professional and confidential counseling services to Stoughton youth and their families. Children, adolescents and families meet with an experienced mental health clinician or graduate social work intern. Organizing Against Substances in Stoughton (OASIS) is the substance abuse prevention facet of the SYC, consisting of community members that work toward the planning and reduction of youth alcohol, tobacco and other drug use (ATOD). OASIS works toward strengthening and coordinating collaborations for substance abuse prevention through community partnerships and mobilizing the community towards a culture that values substance abuse prevention and sustainability.