Gather the Spirit for Justice (GTS) is an open-door center of hope and dignity that brings people together on common ground to strengthen community in Allison Hill.GTS is a spirit-filled, non-religious organization that affirms the inherent worth and dignity of all people regardless of their race, orientation, or employment status. Its goal is to "create common ground" on Allison HIll: Common ground among neighbors and common ground across racial, religious, and socio-economic lines. Working in partnership with local businesses, faith-based and social organizations, social service agencies, and residents from Allison Hill and the greater Harrisburg area, GTS provides warm, safe welcome to all. GTS has two primary programs the Common Ground Cafe and the Common Ground Community Center. The Common Ground Cafe is a bi-monthly community breakfast served restaurant style, complete with servers, hosts and hostesses, and plenty of hot food served to anyone who walks through the door. The Common Ground Community Center provides a safe place to gather in Allison Hill to enjoy brunch three times a week. Here, volunteers help folks navigate the concerns of life from evictions, bill paying, utility shut off, substance abuse, legal issues, housing, illiteracy, etc.; issue State Identification cards (necessary for getting a job, obtaining government assistance, dealing with financial institutions, etc); and distribute personal hygiene products.