Crisis Services of North Alabama, Inc. (CSNA) was formed in January of 1999 through the merger of HOPE Place and HELPline, two agencies synonymous with crisis prevention and intervention. Located in Huntsville, Alabama, the agencies merged to create an even stronger multi-service agency for individuals and families in crisis. HELPline began providing 24-hour crisis line response in 1971. HOPE Place began operations in 1982 and opened the doors of its first domestic violence shelter in 1983. The two agencies worked collaboratively but separately until January 1998 when the boards and staff of both agencies undertook a year-long discovery process to determine the feasibility of and the projected outcomes of merging the two. It was determined that the agencies could provide services more efficiently and effectively as one agency. And it does.
The mission of CSNA is “Responding to Individuals and Families in Crisis.” The agency’s vision describes what we strive to do every day, “A well-respected community organization continuously improving the awareness, effectiveness, and expertise of trauma-informed services for North Alabama individuals and families dealing with domestic violence, sexual assault or in need of crisis counseling.”
CSNA comprises three major programs:
Crisis Services of North Alabama, Inc. (CSNA) was formed in January of 1999 through the merger of HOPE Place and HELPline, two agencies synonymous with crisis prevention and intervention. Located in Huntsville, Alabama, the agencies merged to create an even stronger multi-service agency for individuals and families in crisis. HELPline began providing 24-hour crisis line response in 1971. HOPE Place began operations in 1982 and opened the doors of its first domestic violence shelter in 1983. The two agencies worked collaboratively but separately until January 1998 when the boards and staff of both agencies undertook a year-long discovery process to determine the feasibility of and the projected outcomes of merging the two. It was determined that the agencies could provide services more efficiently and effectively as one agency. And it does.
The mission of CSNA is “Responding to Individuals and Families in Crisis.” The agency’s vision describes what we…