ONG (Setor Social)

Seeds in the Middle

New York, NY |

Sobre Nós

We are a public school-based, grassroots, sustainable initiative to empower students, faculty and families at the heart of the obesity epidemic to turn around their health. We teach how to grow gardens, how to market healthy food, how to access and prepare nutritious dishes with master chefs, how to exercise, how to access the arts, all elements needed for life-changing lifelong health. We turn gray into green, destitution into inspiration.

We are a public school-based, grassroots, sustainable initiative to empower students, faculty and families at the heart of the obesity epidemic to turn around their health. We teach how to grow gardens, how to market healthy food, how to access…

Áreas Temáticas incluem


  • P.O. Box 310752, New York, NY None, United States
    Brooklyn, NY 11201

Anúncios de Seeds in the Middle


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