The New York Climate Exchange (The Exchange) is a new not-for-profit designed to accelerate climate solutions. Our diverse coalition of partners—committed and prepared to collectively disrupt the status quo—incorporates local and global perspectives on climate change from academia, the private sector, and community-level organizations; this multidisciplinary coalition speaks to the collaboration necessary to unlock integrated and scalable approaches to climate change. While The Exchange will be headquartered at a dedicated campus on Governors Island, its spirit and influence extends beyond the Island into New York City and across the country and world.
The New York Climate Exchange (The Exchange) is a new not-for-profit designed to accelerate climate solutions. Our diverse coalition of partners—committed and prepared to collectively disrupt the status quo—incorporates local and global perspectives on climate change from academia, the private sector, and community-level organizations; this multidisciplinary coalition speaks to the collaboration necessary to unlock integrated and scalable approaches to climate change. While The Exchange will be headquartered at a dedicated campus on Governors Island, its spirit and influence extends beyond the Island into New York City and across the country and world.