ONG (Setor Social)

Business Council on Climate Change

San Francisco, CA |

Sobre Nós


In June of 2005, the City and County of San Francisco hosted United Nations World Environment Day, at which time Mayor Gavin Newsom signed on to the UN Global Compact Cities Program. This led to a partnership to promote business sector leadership on climate change, the Business Council on Climate Change. Since the launch of BC3 in 2007, over 100 forward-thinking businesses and partners in the Bay Area have joined BC3 and have committed to taking steps to address their GHG emissions and associated climate change impacts. BC3 holds 501(c)3 non-profit status via a fiscal sponsorship with Community Initiatives, and is currently housed in the San Francisco Department of the Environment.

The Organization

BC3 is a member-driven initiative that enables Bay Area business leaders to share best practices and establish strong relationships in the effort to reduce GHG emissions within their companies. BC3 members are companies ranging in size from global corporations to local small businesses and from industries including health care, hospitality, architecture, and environmental consulting.

BC3 member companies are united by the unique opportunities and constraints they face in the San Francisco Bay Area to reduce their GHG emissions, as well as their strong commitment to take action on climate change now, at a scale, pace and method appropriate for their company.

BC3 Members sign on to BC3’s “5 Principles on Climate Leadership” as a guiding framework for action (see As an organization, BC3 is fundamentally a “facilitator,” not a “content creator” – we pull expertise from within our network to educate and share solutions on the local level, rather than develop educational content from a staff level.

BC3 aids its members in reducing their GHG emissions, and encourages participation and climate change advocacy as outlined in the 5 principles, through three core strategies: • BC3 Events – 30 annually; panels, workshops, networking events, and full member meetings • BC3 Website – Member profiles, “take action” resources • BC3 Relationships – Member-to-member mentorship, and connections to partners such as local government and non-profits


In June of 2005, the City and County of San Francisco hosted United Nations World Environment Day, at which time Mayor Gavin Newsom signed on to the UN Global Compact Cities Program. This led to a partnership to promote business sector…

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  • 1455 Market St., San Francisco, CA 94102, United States

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