Since 1991, the Northwest Philadelphia Interfaith Hospitality Network (NPIHN) has been working to provide new beginnings for homeless families of all configurations. We accept couples, single father households, and adolescent boys as well as single women with children. Our dedicated staff and volunteers ensure that the families in our program have food on the table, a calm, comfortable and secure place to sleep overnight, and assistance during the day to repair the emotional and financial distress associated with homelessness.
Since 1991, the Northwest Philadelphia Interfaith Hospitality Network (NPIHN) has been working to provide new beginnings for homeless families of all configurations. We accept couples, single father households, and adolescent boys as well as single women with children. Our dedicated staff and volunteers ensure that the families in our program have food on the table, a calm, comfortable and secure place to sleep overnight, and assistance during the day to repair the emotional and financial distress associated with homelessness.