ONG (Setor Social)

Democracy Matters

Poughkeepsie, NY |

Sobre Nós

Democracy Matters (DM) informs and engages college students and communities in efforts to protect and strengthen our democracy. We push back against attacks on democracy - voter suppression, gerrymandering, big money, electoin denial and more. DM addresses issues of climate change, gun violence, the rising cost of college, racial injustice, women's and LBGTQ rights. Solving all of these depends on having an inclusive and fair democracy. Democracy Matters gives students the skills to pursue lifelong political and civic involvement, and a voice in the movement to create a society that works for everyone.

Democracy Matters (DM) informs and engages college students and communities in efforts to protect and strengthen our democracy. We push back against attacks on democracy - voter suppression, gerrymandering, big money, electoin denial and…

Áreas Temáticas incluem

Localização & Contato

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