ONG (Setor Social)

Homes for Families

Sobre Nós

Homes For Families' (HFF) mission is to address the needs of homeless families in the areas of housing, education and jobs, as a partnership between people who access, advocate for and provide emergency and permanent solutions. HFF is committed to a systemic analysis of the root causes of homelessness, a holistic community-based approach addressing issues ranging from emergency responses to permanent solutions and active collaboration with programs working with poor families. Over half of the organization's members, board and staff are, or have been homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless. A statewide organization, HFF advocates for improvements to programs and policies impacting homeless families by providing a forum for discussion, policy review and debate, where each of the members has an equal opportunity to speak and effect change. We present a unique perspective to the public policy debate due to the makeup of our members.

Homes For Families' (HFF) mission is to address the needs of homeless families in the areas of housing, education and jobs, as a partnership between people who access, advocate for and provide emergency and permanent solutions. HFF is committed…

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  • 14 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02108, United States
    Suite 615

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