Massachusetts Senior Action Council (MSAC) is a multiracial, grassroots organization led by concerned seniors across Massachusetts. We cross-neighborhood, racial, religious and socio-economic lines to find common ground upon which to act on our values. Through leadership development, organizing and popular education, we use the power of our collective voice to work for economic, social and racial justice for all seniors and our communities. Founded in 1981, Senior Action has a powerful history of winning meaningful change and is respected as one of the most dynamic, effective grassroots groups of organized lower-income seniors in the country.
Massachusetts Senior Action Council (MSAC) is a multiracial, grassroots organization led by concerned seniors across Massachusetts. We cross-neighborhood, racial, religious and socio-economic lines to find common ground upon which to act on our values. Through leadership development, organizing and popular education, we use the power of our collective voice to work for economic, social and racial justice for all seniors and our communities. Founded in 1981, Senior Action has a powerful history of winning meaningful change and is respected as one of the most dynamic, effective grassroots groups of organized lower-income seniors in the country.