ONG (Setor Social)

Tableau Vivant of the Delirium Constructions

Sobre Nós

In the Spring of 2011, 120 models with distinctive visual personalities will assemble together as a living, breathing image. In an event that is at once performance, party, and experiment, Sarah Small and collaborators will once again create a Tableau Vivant of Small's photographic series, The Delirium Constructions. Small's ongoing project brings models into improbable, close interactions to examine the social and graphic contrasts of youth and experience, hysteria and discipline, tragedy and hilarity, and sexuality and desexualization. The evening will crystallize a live collision between these human experiences, rarely allowed to intersect in full public view.

Against a celebratory backdrop, Small's Tableaux Vivants take private human motifs and present them out in the open. These events provoke participants to question their dichotomous understandings of experience and authenticity, through an experiment built on honest engagement between the observer and the observed.

Sarah Small’s Tableau Vivant of the Delirium Constructions is a fiscally sponsored artist project of the Lucie Foundation - a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, dedicated to honoring master photographers, discovering and cultivating emerging talent, and promotiong the appreciation of photography worldwide.

In the Spring of 2011, 120 models with distinctive visual personalities will assemble together as a living, breathing image. In an event that is at once performance, party, and experiment, Sarah Small and collaborators will once again create a…

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  • Brooklyn, NY 11211, United States

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