ONG (Setor Social)

Urban Alliance Foundation

  • Sobre Nós

    Our mission is to prepare economically disadvantaged Washington, DC youth for the workforce and a life of self-sufficiency.

    In our high school program, we train high school students how to obtain and retain meaningful employment, support their aspirations for higher education, and help participants develop concrete plans towards achieving their career goals. In our Health Alliance program, we support and prepare young adults to enter the health care field through education, academic and social support and a paid work experience. We achieve our mission through partnering with educational institutions and the local business community to provide each student with training, long-term real life job experience and a supportive work-site mentor.

    Our mission is to prepare economically disadvantaged Washington, DC youth for the workforce and a life of self-sufficiency.

    In our high school program, we train high school students how to obtain and retain meaningful employment, support their aspirations for higher education, and help participants develop concrete plans towards achieving their career goals. In our Health Alliance program, we support and prepare young adults to enter the health care field through education, academic and social support and a paid work experience. We achieve our mission through partnering with educational institutions and the local business community to provide each student with training, long-term real life job experience and a supportive work-site mentor.

    Áreas Temáticas incluem


    • 600 New Hampshire Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20037, United States
      Suite 650

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