TLC (Together Living a Challenge) launched during the summer of 2011,
and “toured” the Northeast for 4 weeks bringing camp to selected
organizations in the states of New York, Massachusetts, and Maryland.
Camp TLC spent five days in each city and deliver themed-filled
activities similar to those provided by residential for-profit camps.
In each location we worked within the constraints of the facility and
the particular physical or health limitations of the children. And in
its first five years, Camp TLC served the needs of more than 800
children and family members for 8 different organizations including a
very special Camp for the families of Hurricane Sandy. Camp TLC also
makes it snow and provides programming to the children residing at
the Children's Inn at the NIH on Christmas.
Camp TLC is a free camp experience that connects children who have experienced medical or life trauma by offering unique ways of coping through recreational and performing arts based activities, developing necessary skills and building self-esteem as a means to overcome challenges.
It is our firm conviction that all children should have the experience of summer camp and the opportunity to be involved in performing and art programming that delivers hope to the situations in which they are living. Camp TLC believes that when children who are faced with emotional, developmental or medical disorders are delivered hope and happiness through the arts, they are delivered a renewed sense of self-esteem. We believe that self-esteem is what keeps kids living in a challenging situation alive, plain and simple.
TLC (Together Living a Challenge) launched during the summer of 2011,
and “toured” the Northeast for 4 weeks bringing camp to selected
organizations in the states of New York, Massachusetts, and Maryland.
Camp TLC spent five days in each city and deliver themed-filled
activities similar to those provided by residential for-profit camps.
In each location we worked within the constraints of the facility and
the particular physical or health limitations of the children. And in
its first five years, Camp TLC served the needs of more than 800
children and family members for 8 different organizations including a
very special Camp for the families of Hurricane Sandy. Camp TLC also
makes it snow and provides programming to the children residing at
the Children's Inn at the NIH on Christmas.
Camp TLC is a free camp experience that connects children who have experienced medical or life trauma by offering unique ways of coping through recreational and…