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Clear Sky Retreat Centre

Fort Steele, BC, Canadá |

Sobre Nós

In the whirl of daily life, it’s hard to find room just to breathe. How do you find the space to really grow?

As a spiritual explorer, you’d like to be feeling a sense of genuine, ongoing transformation and experiencing major breakthroughs. Yet you still see your habits held strongly in place - holding you back - while your aspirations get buried in the busyness of daily life.

You’ve tried many ways to grow and transform. Yet so much of your energy goes to just managing all the demands on your time. Can we break this cycle and find some space?

Absolutely - it’s definitely possible.

You can create a space to reconnect with your heart and with others. You can learn new ways to recharge, reflect, and discover new insights and approaches.

At Clear Sky we’ve supported many people’s passage through the spiritual breakthroughs and transformational changes they’ve yearned for. You can experience this too.

Is This You?

Over the years we’ve had a lot of success – and found it extremely rewarding – to be engaging with all kinds of folk who have a heart for spiritual exploration, including leaders in heart-centred organizations.

Do any of these situations sound familiar to you?
  1. Your world has been turned upside down. Scary or exciting, the fact is that now you have the time and energy to give your spiritual life some TLC.
  2. You’ve worked hard and experienced success in your life. Now, you’re actively looking for new ways to further grow yourself, business or your team’s portfolio.
  3. You’re wanting to make a difference in the world but you feel burnt out or overwhelmed. It’s time to recharge and reflect on your next choices, to bring conscious insightful reflection to the bigger issues.
  4. You love retreats and you leave shiny and positive. Now, you’re eager to learn ways to be more mindful and bring spaciousness into daily activities, relationships, and work.
  5. You have a nagging feeling that parts of your life remain untouched. You want to be around friends or mentors who are also growing and actively supporting you to do the same; people with the courage to bring up the things that may be difficult to hear, because they really care.

If you find that one or more of these scenarios is speaking to you, moves you in some fashion, see if our approach could be a sanctuary for you.

You’ll get the most out of our approach if you resonate with one or more of these values
  • Seeking depth transformation or transformative experiences
  • Want to have fun and be of greater service to yourself and others
  • Are looking for supportive, consistent and sustainable approaches to nourish your life, business or organization

If you find that this is calling you, we invite you to explore further and try a taste of what we do.

In the whirl of daily life, it’s hard to find room just to breathe. How do you find the space to really grow?

As a spiritual explorer, you’d like to be feeling a sense of genuine, ongoing transformation and experiencing major breakthroughs. Yet you…

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