ONG (Setor Social)


Sobre Nós

Established in 2000, Los Amigos is managed by ACCA in coordination with the neighboring 145,918-ha Los Amigos Conservation Concession. The station sits on a high terrace between the Madre de Dios and Los Amigos rivers and provides easy access to a variety of forest types and aquatic habitats. With capacity for 60 visitors, the installations include 250 m2 of laboratories and offices, >50 km of trails, a digital herbarium, a scientific library of >500 volumes, three 60-m radio towers, a landing strip, internet access and two satellite stations 3 and 21 km away. Since 2003 our grants program has brought >300 scientists to Los Amigos. CICRA also offers several field courses each year in partnership with the Amazonian Center for Environmental Education and Research (ACEER).

Established in 2000, Los Amigos is managed by ACCA in coordination with the neighboring 145,918-ha Los Amigos Conservation Concession. The station sits on a high terrace between the Madre de Dios and Los Amigos rivers and provides easy…

Áreas Temáticas incluem


  • Jr. Cusco 499 , Puerto Maldonado, None None, Peru

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