VISION: To build a cultured society in Africa
To actively participate in educating African Citizens on the importance of human virtues and integrity towards the development of a nobler culture in Africa.
In recognition of culture as level of total development comprising of intellectual and inner (intuitive) growth, ACDF shall research, design, develop and support programmes that will facilitate building a culture society in Africa, sensitizing and re-orientating them towards noble mindedness to become selfless and service mindedness.
The Foundation will promote culture of mutual trust and respect. The citizens will be educated to live above the sentiment of Religion, tribal and professions, promotiong genuine harmonyh and development cooperation for sustainable development in Africa.
VISION: To build a cultured society in Africa
To actively participate in educating African Citizens on the importance of human virtues and integrity towards the development of a nobler culture in Africa.
In recognition of culture as level of total development comprising of intellectual and inner (intuitive) growth, ACDF shall research, design, develop and support programmes that will facilitate building a culture society in Africa, sensitizing and re-orientating them towards noble mindedness to become selfless and service mindedness.
The Foundation will promote culture of mutual trust and respect. The citizens will be educated to live above the sentiment of Religion, tribal and professions, promotiong genuine harmonyh and development cooperation for sustainable development in Africa.