Last year, over 3 million pets were euthanized in shelters across the country, so solving this problem won’t be easy. But with our rescue, our hospital and our Spaymobile, we believe love will find a way. As the only non-profit animal charity in the L.A. area to own and operate a full-service veterinary practice, we can keep orphans under a doctor’s care from the moment they’re rescued.The highest number of impounded pets come from low-income, under-served neighborhoods, so we travel to these areas and offer free spay/neuter procedures and vaccines. Last year, our Spaymobile performed over 7,000 spay/neuters. Even if only half of these dogs and cats had a litter of six, that’s over 21,000 animals we saved from an uncertain fate. Now that’s fixing the problem.When we rescue from LA City and County shelters, in addition to the young and healthy, we often choose the older ones, the shy ones, the ones that break your heart the most. Because in many cases, these animals turn out to be leash trained, housebroken and ready to love