Lakewood Elementary School Garden is in need of volunteers to help lead school children with simple activities in the garden. Classes usually come to the garden for 30-45 minute block of time every week, usually Tuesdays and Fridays, but other days as well. This would be a great opportunity for a student who needs field experience, or community service requirement, a retiree, or anyone who would like to add some fun to their week watching kids observe and foster the miracle of life in nature.
Lakewood Elementary School Garden is in need of volunteers to help lead school children with simple activities in the garden. Classes usually come to the garden for 30-45 minute block of time every week, usually Tuesdays and Fridays, but other days as well. This would be a great opportunity for a student who needs field experience, or community service requirement, a retiree, or anyone who would like to add some fun to their week watching kids observe and foster the miracle of life in nature.