The Global Covenant is a commitment by a diverse group of religious
leaders, scholars, and civil society organizations to prevent and reduce
religion-related violence. We value and rely on the deepest resources
and wisdom of distinctive religious traditions to help build resilience
and promote peace and justice at local, national, regional and global
levels. Initially, the Global Covenant will focus its efforts on inhibiting political and religion-related violence across the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe. We will address the worst humanitarian catastrophe since World War II: the forcible displacement of millions of people across the Mediterranean Basin. Entire communities, their heritage, and way of life are being destroyed. No one religion, organization, or government can succeed in this work alone. It requires facilitating concerted action among all participating religious, educational, political, and civil society groups.The Global Covenant offers four main ways to contribute substantially to the reduction of religion-related violence:1. Research: Analyze causes and drivers of violence and test tools that effectively mitigate religion-related conflict.2. Dialogue: Articulate commitment to Global Covenant principles via interreligious dialogue and scriptural studies.3. Strategy: Mobilize partners, resources, and tools to reduce and prevent violent conflict in the Mediterranean Basin.4. Media: Disseminate learning, best practice, and feedback via public engagement, social media, and online platform.