We focus on contributing to the elimination of the causes of poverty through ?The Living Wages North and South Initiative, a Strategic Campaign for Corporate Social Responsibility and the defence of worker rights
Core objectives:
• Make a strategic contribution to the gradual closing of the North-South wage gap, by equalizing wages of workers of the same MNCs in equivalent jobs through the Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs) mechanism.
• Generate upward pressure on South’s formal /informal sectors, in order to raise the benchmark for labour endowments until placed at par with North’s labour endowments.
• Contribute to embed in business culture the concept of corporate social responsibility by demanding ILO compliance, and monitoring and qualifying social economic and environ-mental impact of global corporate activity, in sync with the principles of the UN Global Compact.
The Proposal: Equalize Wages in a Maximum Time Length of Not More Than 30 Years.
We focus on contributing to the elimination of the causes of poverty through ?The Living Wages North and South Initiative, a Strategic Campaign for Corporate Social Responsibility and the defence of worker rights
Core objectives:
• Make a strategic contribution to the gradual closing of the North-South wage gap, by equalizing wages of workers of the same MNCs in equivalent jobs through the Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs) mechanism.
• Generate upward pressure on South’s formal /informal sectors, in order to raise the benchmark for labour endowments until placed at par with North’s labour endowments.
• Contribute to embed in business culture the concept of corporate social responsibility by demanding ILO compliance, and monitoring and qualifying social economic and environ-mental impact of global corporate activity, in sync with the principles of the UN Global Compact.
The Proposal: Equalize Wages in a Maximum Time Length of Not More Than 30 Years.