Publicado há 2 meses

Uganda Organic Farming Volunteering Project

Presencial, O voluntário precisa estar em ou próximo de Mukono, Central Region, Uganda


Agendar:Dias da semana
Comprometimento de Tempo:Algumas horas por semana
Treinamento incluído
Hospedagem disponível
Apoio de linguagem/cultura disponível
Aceitamos grupos
Aceitamos famílias
Aceitamos Voluntários Estrangeiros


Uganda Organic Farming Volunteering Project

Ssamba Foundation’ Farming Volunteering Project Uganda offers you a great opportunity to immerse yourself in rustic natural beauty and peaceful countryside of Uganda.

This is the best opportunity for people who have a serious interest in experiencing and learning about organic farming in sub-Saharan Africa.

If you have a love for nature and a willingness to learn, this is the perfect volunteer placement for you in Uganda. It’s a unique experience, as you’ll get to learn about organic farming through volunteering in ecological ways such as harvesting, feeding animals, cooking, as well as meeting other needs.


  • Helping with hands on work at the organic farm
  • Learn all about food security and environmental protection
  • Gain practical experience in compost product & use of organic pesticides

Become an organic farm volunteer in Uganda and have the adventure of a lifetime in a sustainable way! The major aim of the Farming Volunteering Project Uganda is to promote sustainable agriculture and the permaculture lifestyle within local communities in Uganda

Ssamba Foundation’ Farming Volunteering Project Uganda offers you a great opportunity to immerse yourself in rustic natural beauty and peaceful countryside of Uganda.

This is the best opportunity for people who have a serious interest…



Ssamba Foundation

Mukono, Uganda

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