Publicado há 2 meses

Community Children Library in Nepal

Presencial, O voluntário precisa estar em ou próximo de Kathmandu, Bagmati Province, Nepal


Data de Início:
15 de junho de 2024
15:00 GMT+5:45
Data de término:
30 de outubro de 2024
18:00 GMT+5:45
Agendar:Dias da semana
Comprometimento de Tempo:Meio horário (10 a 30 horas por semana)
Treinamento incluído
Hospedagem disponível
Apoio de linguagem/cultura disponível
Aceitamos grupos
Aceitamos famílias
Aceitamos Voluntários Estrangeiros


Community Children Library in Nepal

Future Nepal has been established some children libraries project in very backward community of Nepal. The purpose of these libraries are to provide a beneficial learning resource for community children from all the caste. So we need wide variety of books and educational materials. We welcome to volunteer to help these libraries by assisting library, teaching to children, supporting children books and materials, donations etc.

Future Nepal has been established some children libraries project in very backward community of Nepal. The purpose of these libraries are to provide a beneficial learning resource for community children from all the caste. So we need wide…




Kathmandu 44600, Nepal

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