ONG (Setor Social)

Health Improvement Foundation of Cameroon (HIF-CAM)

Limbe, Camarões |

Sobre Nós

The Health Improvement Foundation of Cameroon (HIF-CAM) is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization incorporated under Cameroon law in 2003. Its head office is located in Limbe, in the Southwest Region of Cameroon.  The organization is committed to achieving the following mission: “We provide quality and affordable healthcare services to everyone in the rural communities deprived of healthcare access, making sure no one dies of disease”. Our vision of a better world is for everybody to attain a level of health that enables him or her to realize his or her dreams.

                  Our organization operates on the core values of compassion, innovation, collaboration, social justice, gender equality, environmental sustainability, transparency and empowerment. We are driven by a deep sense of empathy for the poor marginalized rural communities owing to the injustice of healthcare inaccessibility, resulting in the rising death rate, especially among the under-fives.  

To attain its mission HIF-CAM provides the following programs and services:

(a)       Trains primary health workers (selected to serve in deprived rural communities and make prompt referral to health centers).

(b)      Constructs and equips health units in deprived communities

(c)       Engages qualified health personnel and volunteers (including doctors, nurses, midwives laboratory technicians, etc.) to provide quality and affordable healthcare services. The healthcare services include the following: the consultation and treatment of diseases, the prevention of diseases through health and nutrition education and vaccination, the provision of maternal and child health services, and the promotion of good health through healthy living and good nutrition.

(d)      Provides clean drinking water and improved hygiene and sanitation in deprived needy communities.

The Health Improvement Foundation of Cameroon (HIF-CAM) is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization incorporated under Cameroon law in 2003. Its head office is located in Limbe, in the Southwest Region of Cameroon.  The organization is…

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