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Guerilla Science

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    AboutGuerilla Science create events and installations for festivals, museums, galleries, and other cultural partners. We are committed to connecting people with science in new ways, and producing live experiences that entertain, inspire, challenge and amaze.

    By producing events that mix science with art, music and play, we create unique opportunities for adult audiences to experience science in unorthodox ways such as interactive events, games, live experiments, demonstrations and performances by academics, artists, musicians, and actors. We set science free by taking researchers out of the lab and into the traditional domain of the arts.


    Founded in 2008, Guerilla Science has reached over sixty thousand adults across 60 live multi-day events in the U.S. and U.K. We have a strong media profile including coverage in The New Yorker, Wired, and the BBC. Over the past seven years we have worked with more than 200 scientists, artists and performers.

Guerilla Science has received support and commissions by global brands, government, foundation, private and the higher education sectors including the Simons Foundation, the Smithsonian, the Wellcome Trust, NASA, Hendricks Gin, Google, and music festivals including Glastonbury, Burning Man, and the Secret Garden Party.

    AboutGuerilla Science create events and installations for festivals, museums, galleries, and other cultural partners. We are committed to connecting people with science in new ways, and producing live experiences that entertain, inspire, challenge and amaze.

    By producing events that mix science with art, music and play, we create unique opportunities for adult audiences to experience science in unorthodox ways such as interactive events, games, live experiments, demonstrations and performances by academics, artists, musicians, and actors. We set science free by taking researchers out of the lab and into the traditional domain of the arts.


    Founded in 2008, Guerilla Science has reached over sixty thousand adults across 60 live multi-day events in the U.S. and U.K. We have a strong media profile including coverage in The New Yorker, Wired, and the BBC. Over the past seven years we have worked with more than 200 scientists, artists and performers…


    • 30 John Street, New York, NY None, United States
      Brooklyn, NY, 11201

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