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June Health

New York, NY | junehealth.com

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    At June Health, our core beliefs are :

    1) Emotional Health is the key to more meaningful relationships, happier family, a more fulfilling career, and a clear mind -- simply put a better life.

    2) We want to make caring for your emotional and mental health just as common as caring for your physical health

    We are values-driven modern, psychology/therapy practice located in Manhattan, New York (14th Street and 7th Avenue). Your platform appeals to us because we are looking for therapists who believe therapy is a meaningful vocation (not just a job)! This link will give some more background of the types of therapists we hope to meet with: http://junehealth.com/careers.html

    Thank you again for your consideration and please reach out to us with any questions! info@junehealth.com

    At June Health, our core beliefs are :

    1) Emotional Health is the key to more meaningful relationships, happier family, a more fulfilling career, and a clear mind -- simply put a better life.

    2) We want to make caring for your emotional and mental health just as common as caring for your physical health

    We are values-driven modern, psychology/therapy practice located in Manhattan, New York (14th Street and 7th Avenue). Your platform appeals to us because we are looking for therapists who believe therapy is a meaningful vocation (not just a job)! This link will give some more background of the types of therapists we hope to meet with: http://junehealth.com/careers.html

    Thank you again for your consideration and please reach out to us with any questions! info@junehealth.com

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