Empresa social / Empresa

Factory 3

Portland, ME

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    Factory 3's mission is to empowers makers to realize their full potential by removing any barriers in the way of success. Our 5000 square foot makerspace includes facilities for working with wood, metal, fiber, 3D printing, bicycle repair, electronics, coding, and graphic design. We also offer private studios and training classes in art and fabrication.

    We provide social good work in two areas – removing barriers for aspiring entrepreneurs and workers seeking to improve job skills, and promoting arts-related community organizations.

    The obstacles to starting a business that makes physical goods are too great for many aspiring entrepreneurs. By providing a space where ideas can grow and a community of makers, Factory 3 lowers the barriers to entry. Many of our members run part-time or full-time sole proprietor businesses producing items at Factory 3 for sale locally and externally. Our classes, currently providing part-time income for 22 people, and taken by about 70 students each month, provide skills that can be directly translated into higher-value jobs. 

    By its nature as a collaborative workspace, Factory 3 fosters community both among its members and among Portland’s broader creative community. Our members are a diverse group of people united by the love of creating with their hands. As members of a true community, our members share their interests and expertise with each other and with the broader community. Some of them offer classes, others help promote sales for artists and artisans, and others support arts-related community organizations such as Creative Portland, the Maine Crafts Association, and the Portland Children’s Museum.

    Factory 3's mission is to empowers makers to realize their full potential by removing any barriers in the way of success. Our 5000 square foot makerspace includes facilities for working with wood, metal, fiber, 3D printing, bicycle repair, electronics, coding, and graphic design. We also offer private studios and training classes in art and fabrication.

    We provide social good work in two areas – removing barriers for aspiring entrepreneurs and workers seeking to improve job skills, and promoting arts-related community organizations.

    The obstacles to starting a business that makes physical goods are too great for many aspiring entrepreneurs. By providing a space where ideas can grow and a community of makers, Factory 3 lowers the barriers to entry. Many of our members run part-time or full-time sole proprietor businesses producing items at Factory 3 for sale locally and externally. Our classes, currently providing part-time income for 22 people, and taken…

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