The GWDC’s mission is to analyze and recommend workforce development policies to the Governor and Legislature toward talent development, resource alignment and system effectiveness to ensure a globally competitive workforce for Minnesota. The GWDC functions as the state Workforce Investment Board (WIB) under the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) and is further defined by Minnesota statute 116L.665. The GWDC plays an important role in bringing citizen involvement, engagement, and oversight to the state’s workforce development efforts and to providing strategic leadership for workforce development and local/regional leaders throughout the state. Visit our website at
The GWDC’s mission is to analyze and recommend workforce development policies to the Governor and Legislature toward talent development, resource alignment and system effectiveness to ensure a globally competitive workforce for Minnesota. The GWDC functions as the state Workforce Investment Board (WIB) under the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) and is further defined by Minnesota statute 116L.665. The GWDC plays an important role in bringing citizen involvement, engagement, and oversight to the state’s workforce development efforts and to providing strategic leadership for workforce development and local/regional leaders throughout the state. Visit our website at